chapter 5.

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hongjoong's pov

we were now seated across from each other in a crêpe restaurant; seonghwa said they were his favorite. i'll make sure i always remember that.

i had so many questions for the taller, but i just didn't know where to begin. what happened when he was talking to sungjoon to make him breakdown like that? why is he even with sungjoon? does he know how bad of a person he is? has sungjoon changed at all? but there was a more important question ringing through my head— is seonghwa safe; if not how could i help him??

"—oong, HONGJOONG!! are you there? i think you're zoning out," seonghwa's voice finally got my attention. it seem like he was trying to get me back to reality for a few minutes now— in reality, it was probably only a few seconds. "sorry about that mind wandered for a bit there. what were you saying?" i felt bad that i missed what he said; i didn't want him to think i was uninterested. what if he thinks i hate him?? hongjoong... you're overthinking again...

"i was just wondering if we could get to know each other better. i figured since we'll be roommates for a while, maybe we could be... friends?" i could hear the hesitancy in his voice as he asked that. "of course we can! should i give a small reintroduction? well as you know, i'm kim hongjoong, but i'm fine with any nickname.. i'm 19, and my birthday is november 7th! i'm not very outgoing, but my friends often force me to go out to parties and things of that nature. i also really love minions," a giggle interrupted my introduction. HIS LAUGH IS SO CUTE?! "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to laugh! i just thought it was cute you liked minions..." his smile is everything, literally... "i know it's a childish interest, but i take pride in it!!!" i jokingly tried to defend myself; it made seonghwa laugh even more— he found my struggle to defend myself funny in this situation. i don't even mind; i'd do anything to make him smile like that again.

"okay okay, you can continue now— that was rude of me to interrupt like that, i'm sorry."

"don't apologize seonghwa, you're good! but i also really like composing, one of the reasons I chose to major in music production. i also can't cook well at all, last time i cooked, i tried to make waffles and i set the fire alarm off; i was even using a waffle iron! i'm not quite sure how i messed that up..." i trailed off, i figured this was important for him to know; i was hoping at least one of us would have the ability to cook... and it definitely wasn't going to be me. "composing? that's so cool... maybe you could show me some of your work sometime!! and excuse me WHAT. how do you mess up waffles HAHAH—" the older male seemed to find this hysterical. to be honest, i can see why— wooyoung and san also find it hysterical. but for some reason, i'm not upset in the slightest the seonghwa is laughing at my inability to cook right now. am i seriously this in love with this guy??

seonghwa's pov

"don't apologize seonghwa, you're good! but i also really like composing, one of the reasons I chose to major in music production. i also can't cook well at all, last time i cooked, i tried to make waffles and i set the fire alarm off; i was even using a waffle iron! i'm not quite sure how i messed that up..." the younger spoke up once again. for some reason, the last part threw me off into an entirely different dimension— it definitely wasn't something i expected to hear. "composing? that's so cool... maybe you could show me some of your work sometime!! and excuse me WHAT. how do you mess up waffles HAHAH—" i couldn't help but let out a big laugh, although i felt a little bad afterward. i hope he didn't take any offense to that... "don't worry joong, i'll make sure to cook for you often; maybe even waffles, if you'd like that," i teased him a bit. the jokingly aggravated look on his face was priceless. the small blush that crept along his cheeks and his nose as he smiled just made this moment completely timeless; i'd do anything to make him smile like that again.

"don't make fun of me, hwa!" he let out a tiny giggle that made my heart melt. could this man get any cuter? "you should let me know a little about you now! i can't think of any more interesting information about myself," hongjoong said with a charming smile.

"ah, ok! well, as i've said before, my name is park seonghwa, i'm 20, and my birthday is april 3rd... i really like drawing, but i don't consider myself good at it. i also love dancing; hence why i'm a dance major! i'm also not extremely outgoing, which you could probably tell; but my friends understand how bad my anxiety can get, so they never force me to go to things such as parties... i like to sleep a lot too, so if you wake me up without a reason on a day we don't have classes, i can't say i'll be the kindest," we both chuckled at that statement; i wish i could replay his laugh over and over again until it becomes like a broken record... "but yeah! i'm not sure what else to include, i assume anything we missed though will be learned naturally, hehe," hongjoong had the widest grin on his face as i ended my introduction. he honestly seemed intrigued by what i had to say; he made me feel visible; heard. much different from sungjoon— with him, i felt quite the opposite...

hongjoong's pov

as we wrapped up our intros and finished our food, we slowly began walking back towards our dorms. as we engaged in small talk about random things like our favorite movies, or our favorite colors, i couldn't seem to get one thing off of my mind; it was bothersome.

seonghwa didn't mention his boyfriend once within that entire hour. is that not odd? if it had been wooyoung or san that i was properly meeting for the first time, i don't think either of them could last 5 minutes without mentioning the other. i pondered on this thought as we entered our dorm, and i was still thinking about it even as i helped seonghwa unpack his belongings.

does seonghwa really love sungjoon?


i hope u guys enjoyed chapter 5 of 'COSMOS' ! it's been pretty slow so far, but i promise more progress will be made within the next few chapters ! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

— iya 🌼

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