chapter 2.

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seonghwa's pov

"i'm so happy we were able to meet up one more time before the semester starts! i'll make sure to stay in contact as much as i possibly can!" yunho says as he picked up his tote bag and rose from his seat. we had left the cafe after 2 hours, and we decided to go to a park, just to catch up with each other and watch the scenery. it was now 4 pm, and you could see the sky start to darken— it was going to rain soon. that's disappointing... the weather was so nice today, was all i could think.

"okay yunho! we'll see you later, get home safe," yeosang had paused, turning around to face me. "and you get home safe too, alright? you've seemed a bit distracted the whole day..." i glanced at yeosang, a sad smile forming on my face. i really felt guilty when any of them worried about me, mainly because at this point they knew i wouldn't open up to them. yunho, yeosang, mingi, and jongho all knew nothing but surface-level info about me when it came to my relationships, i never wanted to burden them with any of my problems either (even if they swore it was anything but that).

the truth is, i was distracted because sungjoon didn't contact me once today. he'll usually message me around noon with something along the lines of an apology, typically accompanied by an 'i love you'. but today, that message never came. maybe he's just really busy, i thought to myself.

"okay, i will try. i love you guys! i'll let all of you know when i make it home, bye-bye! i had a lot if fun today, so thank you!!" and with that, i started my walk home. while walking, i checked the time on my phone; the screen read 4:33. it was beginning to drizzle, and i could see thunderclouds in the distance. i really just want to get home, i really hated stormy weather. it only made my anxiety worsen— as if it wasn't bad enough on a normal day-to-day basis. i tried to pick up my pace, but i still had about a 15-minute walk until i made it to my apartment.

as if my walk home wasn't already overwhelming for me, the sidewalks started to crowd up. i wasn't sure why, it probably had something to do with the bus schedule in this area. not only that, water droplets started to pour out of the sky— it really did seem never-ending.

fuck it, i can't do this.

i ran to the closest covered area i could see, trying to calm myself down. everything was starting to become a blur, with my breath wobbling at an inconsistent pace. i couldn't tell if it was the coldness of the rain making me shake, or if it was my anxiety— i guess there was a high chance of it being both.

i tried to calm myself down, but it was hard for me to control as the conditions around me looked as if they were worsening (though, that probably wasn't actually the case). i started to get lightheaded, but before i could drop to the floor, i feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. they felt so unfamiliar, yet memorable at the same time. the embrace was so comfortable and calming— i don't think i've ever been hugged like this before.

after a few minutes, i felt fine again; fine enough to continue my walk home. the streets didn't look as crowded, and the rainfall had since lightened. i was finally able to look up and see whose arms the ones around me belonged to.

wait... this is the same guy i ran into earlier...

"thank you.. so much. i really apprecia—"

"no need to thank me, you just looked like you were having a hard time. i should get going now," the man said before turning on his heels and walking away, just like he did hours prior to this moment. he really is beautiful. seonghwa stop thinking that! i shrugged off the thought and continued my walk. i wonder why his responses are so blunt... i would've at least offered to repay him in some way.

i eventually made it to my doorstep. i sighed as i unlocked the door, my head full of many thoughts— yet i decided to discard them all at that moment. i stepped inside and kicked off my shoes, only to look up and see a pissed sungjoon.

"where have you been?! why are you so late?"

i checked the time on my phone. shit, how was it already 6 pm??

hongjoong's pov

as i packed the last suitcase, i looked around my room to see if i had missed anything. i finished packaging everything a lot sooner than i had planned to, so i messaged wooyoung to see if he was interested in meeting up somewhere.


san's #1 fans🥶

are you all finished packing yet?? i just did... we should all get ice cream if you're interested maybe 😓😓
sent 5:12 pm

YES. as long as you're paying 🥺
sent 5:12 pm

you know he always does woo! 😋
normal place right? we'll be there!!
sent 5:13 pm

oh my god😒 ANYWAYS. YES!! OKAY💗
sent 5:14 pm


i shook my head as i read the messages. i should've expected that. i giggled as i slipped my shoes on and headed out the door.

the weather was now gloomy, as rain poured out of the clouds above and the sound of thunder was noticeable in the foreground. i didn't mind it though, rainy weather was soothing to me. however, as i looked to my right, i saw someone visibly shivering from the cold. not only that, i could see water dripping down their face; the only problem was... he was under a covered area. those were tears.

i immediately picked up my pace and stood close to him. this is the same guy i ran into earlier... what a coincidence. not wasting any time, i wrapped my arms around him in hopes it would comfort him. his breathing was unstable; i wonder what happened for him to be in this current state.

i decided i wasn't in any place to ask questions, so i kept quiet until he seemed to regain his clarity and consciousness of his surroundings. the taller looked into my eyes as if he was about to say something. how is this man so beautiful? i've only met encountered him twice but i swear i'm falling in love with him...

"thank you.. so much. i really apprecia—" i cut him off; as you can see, this has become a bad habit of mine once i start to panic.

"no need to thank me, you just looked like you were having a hard time. i should get going now,"

and with that, i walked off towards the ice cream parlor— of course, not without looking back a few times to see if the blond stranger was okay.


this chapter's ending was a little meh , but i hope u all liked the chapter :( !!

– iya 🌼

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