chapter 14.

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to say the least, seonghwa's heart was pounding.

all he could think about was all the days he spent with hongjoong and the little details about him. all the moments hongjoong offered to cuddle him when he was anxious. every time hongjoong would distract and comfort him when he realized the older was uncomfortable or panicking. hell, he even followed the sidewalk rule. and including hundreds and hundreds more reasons, seonghwa had no reason not to accept the other male's proposal.

unfortunately, he couldn't help but think back to sungjoon.

he knew hongjoong was nothing like the other— seonghwa had been too blinded to realize it before, but even in the early stages of his and sungjoon's relationship was questionable. sungjoon had been a lot nicer to seonghwa then, yet he was still cold and demanding. However, he couldn't help but let his anxiety and paranoia cloud his thoughts with words like, 'maybe hongjoong is just acting. he's just waiting for you to gain an attachment to him before he changes at all'.

seonghwa wasn't going to let these thoughts dwell in his head though. he knew one thing for sure; he truly loved and adored the raven-haired, and he knew better than to let the voices he acquired through trauma fog his judgment in this situation.

seonghwa had his answer.

"oh my god joong, i'd love to be your boyfriend," the taller male paused as if he was going to say more, but he only pulled hongjoong into a warm embrace.

neither of them could explain their happiness right now, but knowing that the feeling was mutual was more than enough for them.

hongjoong hugged seonghwa back with a tight squeeze, almost in tears; god i love this man, being the only sentence running through his mind. "and don't worry— you definitely aren't rushing anything for me. your timing is perfect, love." seonghwa finished pulled away from the hug as he finished speaking, which caused hongjoong to violently blush at the name he was given.

after taking a moment to admire each other's articulate features, hongjoong caressed the taller's face and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. as the kiss was reciprocated, there was only one thought running through their minds— each thinking about just how much they loved the other.


it had been four days since hongjoong and seonghwa became boyfriends.

everything had been going perfectly for the couple, with the last few days including tons of cuddles, kisses, and movie marathons.

however, it seemed as if hongjoong's depression just had no choice but to interfere with those precious moments. he was drenched in assignments once again, and he has been so caught up with taking care of seonghwa that he completely forgot to take care of himself— not that he was ever good at that anyways.

the raven-haired was now sitting at his desk, typing away at his major assignment for music production. it was now exam season, and his teacher had assigned the class a rather creative assignment.

each student had to compose and produce a song of their own. they had been given no set theme, so hongjoong decided to make one for seonghwa. as the older's birthday was also coming up in about a month or so, hongjoong figured it would be a great present to gift to him— at least he hoped.

he had been overworking himself to make sure seonghwa would absolutely adore his piece. this led him to where he is now— surviving off of 5 cups of coffee, no food, and no sleep within the last 30 hours. seonghwa had been extremely busy himself, therefore he wasn't able to witness the state his lover was in; but if he did, he definitely wouldn't be happy with him. hongjoong promised him that this wouldn't happen again, after all— yet here he was, as pale as a ghost and eye bags painted a deep purple. his hair was also disheveled, he just couldn't spend any spare time on things like that. to hongjoong, any minute lost would be a detriment to his assignment.

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