56 | ceremonies

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"Mom and Dad would be so proud of you, Pol," I smiled at my brother

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"Mom and Dad would be so proud of you, Pol," I smiled at my brother.

Apollo adjusted his red tie as he stood before a long mirror. His face was freshly shaven, and he smelled dominantly of a woody cologne he impulsively bought the night before.

He was a ball of nerves; he had been for days leading up to today. I felt the constant hum of his nerves leading up to today through our bond. Today was the day he would be sworn in as Alpha. The day Alpha Byron of the West's pack would officially be renamed Alpha Apollo of the West's pack, instead.

Apollo's pack name had a nice ring to it.

Even though I had said my farewell to Apollo just days prior, the short distance between Solaris and my brother's pack could not keep us separated, even after I cleared out all my belongings from my apartment. Apollo would not let me touch anything from my childhood bedroom. He wanted me to have a familiar place to return to.

While today was a joyous occasion, it was not quite how any of us imagined the day would go. When we were really little, Mom and Dad dreamed of us all being together as Apollo naturally rose through the ranks to take his place as Alpha. When they died, so did this unattainable dream. In its stead, a new dream formed — one with Byron by our sides.

Byron had mentored Apollo for most of Apollo's life, and he never saw Byron's betrayal coming. It was a hard pill to swallow. He was a father figure to my brother. I certainly didn't think Byron deserved the rush of emotions Apollo harbored for the man, but I understood. I understood he lost more than just an Alpha when Byron's truth surfaced, which is why I dropped everything to watch Apollo take his spot as Alpha.

"They'd be proud of you, too," Apollo turned on his heel, smoothing over his suit jacket. "I wish they got to see the woman you've become, Les."

"Pol," my head tilted in adoration. "Today is about you."

"I know, I know," he put his hands up in defeat. "But soon it will be about you."

He referenced my own upcoming ceremony. Instead of taking on the position of Luna, I was to be appointed as co-Alpha of Solaris alongside Ezra. The mark on my neck was still inflamed, and Greg advised us to test out sharing the title of Alpha in order to relax my body.

At first, I was venomously against the idea. I had no formal training. Hell, I didn't even have any informal training. I had quite the contrary; I had been a lawless vigilante, and that was where most of my experience reigned from. I needed more time before I could rightfully accept the title and position of Alpha, but Ezra was able to convince me that we'd have more than enough time for training after I had been anointed as Alpha.

"And we can have that discussion then," I warned, placing my hands on my hips. "Today is about you."

"I hate it."

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