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Alessia, my body froze in place at the sound of Ezra's intrusive voice barging into my mind

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Alessia, my body froze in place at the sound of Ezra's intrusive voice barging into my mind.

My first thought was how was he communicating with me? We had not accepted the bond. We were mates, but we had not given in to the — and then it hit: we kissed the other day. In my buzzed haze, I allowed Ezra to plant his lips on mine.

While my body and mind — at the time — did not protest, I had not been in the right state of mind to know the repercussions my actions would provide me. For if I did, I surely would not have leaned into the kiss.

Unknowingly to me at the time, the kiss had opened the bond between us. This left only one way to prevent our budding bond from eventually — even if it took years — festering into an unbreakable connection between an Alpha and a Luna. Of course, a hard rejection from either of us would sever the bond in an instant. While our bond did not have the luxury of time to further its strength, I could feel the bond more vibrantly than I had just a few days prior. It had allowed Ezra to get into my head, and I felt violated having his voice rattled through my mind, even if he could do nothing more than communicate with me.

Get out of my head, I growled, the predicament at hand lost to the flood of emotions swarming my thoughts. Instead of worrying about Apollo's well-being like any decent sister would, all I could think about was Ezra.

You were practically calling for me, he responded. I rolled my eyes despite knowing full-well Ezra would not be able to see my reaction.

What? My voice faltered, taken off guard.

I knew strong connections between two wolves could result in a linking of emotions, where both wolves were in tune with one another. That very connection formed with my brother, Apollo, when I was just a couple years old. To have the same type of connection with Ezra felt wrong, like I was betraying my brother.

My brother... my focus shifted towards Apollo. He still laid on the ground, unconscious. I tried rattling his body into motion, but he shifted side to side like a stick in the mud.

What was I going to do?

Well, it was your wolf, Ezra continued while my mind wandered elsewhere, but seeing as you and your wolf are the same...

Taking a deep breath, I sat down next to Apollo's body and said, Ezra... my voice trailed off.

Did you think it was your other mate mind linking you? He asked. His voice was light with humor.

Ezra... I tried to force the words out of my mind, but they were playing hard to get.

What? His tone shifted from lighthearted to a more worried cadence. What's wrong?

I think — I think, I gulped, pausing. I think I might need your help.

Are you hurt? was the first thing Ezra said in response. Our bond is not strong enough yet for me to tell if you've been hurt.

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