17 | rescue mission

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Hightailing it to the water, I didn't dare let my gaze wander behind me, too afraid the sight of the two Ferals picking up speed would petrify me in place

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Hightailing it to the water, I didn't dare let my gaze wander behind me, too afraid the sight of the two Ferals picking up speed would petrify me in place. Not knowing how much time I had before I was promptly turned into a chew toy, I tried to shift into my wolf form. However, luck was not on my side, my knees faltered. Continuing to run, wind in my hair, I snuck a peek at the Ferals. They were faster than me, their strides long and calculated. I knew I would not be able to outrun them.

Even though my brush with death had occurred a while ago in regards to a typical Werewolf's healing timeline, my body was still not used to an increased amount of physical excursion. The snarls of the wolves at my heel helped propel me forward, but I knew if I was not faster on my feet both physically and mentally, I would soon increase the number of those dead at the hands of the Ferals, just like my parents.

My heart beat furiously in my chest, the pounding ringing hot in my ears. My feet skidded as I reached the edge of the lake. I was faced with making a decision: I could swim in the lake and hope I held the advantage in the water, I could continue running until my eventual capture, or I could try shifting one last time.

Knowing my wolf form would give me the best advantage, I briefly closed my eyes and focused on shifting. To my surprise, my bones started to crack and break. I let out a pained howl as my body began to morph into its wolf form, each snap of the bone ringing in my ears. As my body transitioned, I struggled to fling off my clothes and watch before my human figure was replaced by my wolf one.

After a painstaking and slower-than-usual shift, I squared up the two Ferals. The bigger of the two wolves darted in my direction while the smaller one nipped at its tail, staying back a couple of feet. Menacingly, I dragged my paw on the ground, teeth snarling.

Growling, I wasted no time jumping on the Feral which was now an arm's length away. Our bodies collided before we tumbled to the ground, rolling in a fight for dominance. At first, the Feral pinned me down, its teeth close to the nape of my neck, ready to tear out my jugular. Acting fast, I used my hind legs to kick the Feral, gaining enough surprise and traction to flip the Feral over.

My arms trapped the Feral in my hold. As I went to bite the Feral, it used all its force to push off my body, sending me flying. With my body soaring through the sky, I could see three figures emerging from the forest. Some of the reinforcements had arrived. From the looks and smells of it, my fellow Enforcers had arrived at the scene just in time.

I hit the hard pebbles beside the lake with a thud. My head bobbed up and down from the impact. My vision distorted while the Feral wasted no time in leaping over my disoriented body. Blinking, I growled again. The Feral lunged for my neck. But, by doing so, the wolf had mistakenly exposed its own neck. Taking this opportunity to get the upper hand, my teeth sliced through the Feral's neck, blood drowning my lungs.

The Feral's accomplice howled in pain. Dropping the dead Feral from my mouth, I waited for the incoming impact of the second Feral colliding with my body. However, such an impact never came. As I spat out bits of blood and fur that were trapped in my mouth, I whipped around to see my fellow Enforcers cautiously circling the remaining wolf. As the circle around the wolf got smaller and smaller, a different wolf in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

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