•| The Fate of Our Cast |•

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Hello! Thank you so much for reading Frogs in the Rain. I really enjoyed writing this fanfiction, and this entire project means a lot to me. It was/is a nice break from my real-life novels, and I there's days when I can't get over what I've written. Call that self-absorbed, proud, my own critic for better or for worse, etc. However, I just love these characters. And frogs.

That being said, there are some tidbits about our cast's future I wanted to share since I left off on a melancholy note

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That being said, there are some tidbits about our cast's future I wanted to share since I left off on a melancholy note. I could've given everyone a fairytale ending, but I prefer bittersweet ends. There's no happiness without the dreaded existence of pain.

To make up for it, here's some fun facts:

• Sebastian completely stops smoking shortly after the wedding. It was difficult, and he was very grumpy, but it's hard to be irritated when your wife is a literal embodiment of love and affection.
- Nix, meanwhile, focuses on building her confidence. Knowing she'd like to have children of her own, she also learns how to swordfight, telling herself history won't repeat itself for them- regardless of how they look. (No) thanks to Carhel's genes, she's terrifyingly good at sword-fighting.

• After Daisy Holt is born, Nix becomes increasingly terrified she'll develop dementia young like her mother did. She's extremely good at saving face in front of her daughter, but Sebastian makes sure he's always there in case his wife needs him.
- This idea was actually inspired by Madilyn Mei's song "Tea Leaves." As I listen to the song, I imagine the perspectives changing between a teenage Nix viewing her mother ("You could never swallow pills when you were young, but now you seem to have no problem."); to an ill Daisy Weekly viewing Nix, who is struggling to work full-time and care for her mother ("You're busy in the other room, doing who knows what. Breads burns, but you'll make another."); to, finally, a young Daisy Holt watching Nix struggle with her mental health ("I don't understand why you hurt you when you take such good care of me.").

• Oliver Beckingham Walker, Sam and Abigail's son, was born three years before Daisy Holt.

•Daisy Holt's middle name, Anastasius, means "resurrection." Interpret that however you'd like.

• Doctor Harves is soon able to convince Kent to visit a therapist, helping our father-of-three heal from his war-born battle scars.

• Though The Pelicans never make it big, and Abigail dedicates her post-baby life to teaching her son survival skills, Sam Walker, along with eventually working as a telemarketer like Jodi, still produces indie music. He records all of his singles and EPs in a little sound-proof closet, and he even gets called to perform gigs in Zuzu City every now and then. Sebastian goes with him when needed, as he sometimes sends Sam keyboard riffs for his songs.

• Penny Ortega transitions from reading books to writing them, becoming good friends with Elliot, the beachside poet, as they publish their debut novels together. She also finishes her education and gets a teaching license just in time for little Oliver to enroll in school.

• Nix gets to pet Dusty, Alex's dog, again without qualms. It makes her happy, and she and Alex become friends as time goes on.

• Carhel and Daisy Weekly never actually got married. He has her last name, but only in spirit, despite not really deserving it.

• The theme-song for the entire Weekly family is "Smile Like You Mean It" by The Killers. They all are/were cracked around the edges and yet always searching for reasons to keep going.
- Nix lost everything but still found a family;
Daisy was abandoned by her lover the night of her daughter's birth but still chose to be the best and brightest mother she could be; Carhel fled a war in search of a better life, and then found solstice in his lover's memory after failing to make up for his mistakes. These characters are held together by string and fate and the blood that binds them.

• I modeled Nix after the idea of a siren.
- Her and Sam are sirenduo. They can both sing and they're both amazing swimmers.
- The song she sings to Daisy is this world's version of "I Bet on Losing Dogs" by Mitski. She only ever sings the intro, of course.
- According to Germanic mythology, "Nix" are a type of water spirit. I didn't even know that until I just Googled it, which is pretty funny.
- Yes, Daisy Weekly's last scene is meant to play off of this idea.

• Carhel Weekly could've raised Nix with no repercussions. Had he decided to stay with Daisy Weekly, the old farmhouse would've been handed over to him after Nix's grandfather's death. Nix would've met Sam, Abigail, Emily, and Sebastian a lot earlier, and she would've lived a mostly trauma-free life (as her mother still would've gotten dementia). She never would've met Rick Santorez, and Carhel's people never would've found him (the only one who did would've been killed and quietly disposed of by Carhel, as not doing so would've resulted in his own death). Nix and Sebastian still would've fallen in love. Carhel never had to leave, but he did.

• "Poet, Soldier, King" by The Oh Hellos (because I just wanted to categorize the siblings):
- Sam is the poet.
- Nix is the soldier.
- Vincent is the king/ruler.

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