The Fog is a City

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Nix's friends offered to return to Zuzu City with her for her mother's funeral as the winter began, which would take place at the same assisted living home her mother was being housed at. However, she declined their sweet offers and continued to prepare for a solo trip. For some odd, selfish reason, she felt the need to separate her worlds, to dissect them down the middle border so their paths could never cross. She just didn't want anyone to watch her cry at the funeral. No, she would deplete her tears before she returned to the valley, there was no doubt in her mind about that. Then, she would return to Pelican Town, and everything would be normal again. She would continue being the happy friend, the one who made everyone smile. The one who didn't need comforting.

Nix called for a bus in the early morning hours before the funeral. All of her farm animals were taken care of, with provisions in place to make sure they wouldn't starve while she was away for a couple days. As she wanted patiently on the sidewalk, others came to see her off. Jodi and Sam were the first visitors, leaving Vincent home to sleep the night away so he wouldn't wake up cranky. Jodi brought her a container of freshly-baked bread to snack on during the bus ride, leaving her mouth practically drooling over the smell. Then, Emily and Abigail came, with Emily holding a green, wool scarf that perfectly matched Nix's hair. It fit Nix like a shawl, warming her in the winter air.

Sebastian was the last one to arrive, his hands in his pocket as he trudged through the snow. He stopped in front of Nix, his cheeks red and beaten from the cold.

"Hey." He pulled a hand from his hoodie and waved.

"Hey, Seb," she replied with a wave of her own. She had begun calling him that lately, absentmindedly skipping over his full name during their times in the fields. There were times when he wanted to correct her, if only to hear her talk longer. However, the way in which she sometimes sang "Seb" was already enough to leave him breathless and unable to speak for minutes on end.

"Oh, you're finally here." Abigail smiled, bumping him with her shoulder. She looked freezing in her simple blue coat, the tip of her nose rosy. "What took you so long? The bus will be here any minute!"

Sebastian scrunched up his nose before looking at Sam. Sam was the one who insisted on Nix calling for a bus rather than relying on Pam. Pam Ortega, Penny's mother, was Pelican Town's bus driver. He shuddered at the thought, remembering all the nights he walked passed the drunken woman at the saloon. Neither Sam nor Sebastian wanted Nix anywhere near Pam's old bus, especially not since most of the mother's drinking occurred late into the night. Of course, Nix wasn't aware of that side of the woman, so her judgment would have been veiled by friendly virtue.

"I was looking for something," Sebastian replied before taking a small step away from Abigail.

Sam perked up. "What were–"

"Oh, it's the bus!" Jodi called, pulling Nix into a bear hug. Sam joined in, whispering something into Nix's ear before gripping her shoulder and giving it a shake. She smiled at him, the soft grin transferring to Abigail and Emily as they too pulled her into hugs. Sebastian rushed forward as the bus drew closer, knowing he only had a few seconds before she left him.

"Nix..." He pulled his other hand out of his pocket, revealing a violet crocus. "I brought this for... the funeral. It-It's fake. I didn't want it to wilt on you before you made it to the city. I figured, since-" The bus screeched to a stop. "-since I can't attend, you could give this to her, from me."

Nix's hand wrapped around the stem, her fingers grazing his. "Thank you," she voiced shyly, her tone small and sweet. Then, she was gone, stepping onto the bus and disappearing from view.

Behind them all, veering away from prying ears, Abigail stifled a faltering growl.


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