My Stallion Wasn't Built For a Racing Heart

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"ARE YOU SURE THEY CAME THIS WAY?" Sam shouted over the bustling wind in his face.

"ALL TRAINS RUN EAST THROUGH THE VALLEY," Abigail insisted. "IT'S OUR BEST GUESS." She nearly growled as she said it. Their best guess? Was that all they had? What if Nix's attackers hadn't even taken the train?

"I HATE GUESSES," Kent decided.

Abigail was glad they could agree on that.

Behind her, a louder engine revved. She grimaced, her mind displaying pictures of Emily's arms around Sebastian. Yet another woman who had what she couldn't.

Stop, she wordlessly screamed at herself. Your hellish jealousy is what put us here in the first place. She fought back tears as the revelation came to her, and she buried her forehead against Sam's shoulder. ALL you had to do was talk to Nix. Instead, you hurt her. You put her in an uncomfortable situation and... you... you hurt SAM. You used his emotions for your own gain. You're sick. Sick.

As if reading her aura, Sam grabbed one of her hands and held it, pressing it against his body like armor. She felt a bit better after that, but not by a whole lot. Not while her sins were suffocating her.

Suddenly, Kent slowed down, his head turning in the direction of two men hiking along the side of the road. Abigail squinted her eyes, trying to get a better look at them. The taller of the two was bald and tatted, causing her heart to race. She looked over at the other one, who was a bit chubbier and had thick, brown hair. She shook Sam. "THAT'S THEM!"

Kent whistled loudly, extending his arm left to signal to Sebastian they were turning. Then, veering off the road, he bombarded the men, circling them with the four-wheeler and forcing them to stop. Sebastian did the same, as did Demetrius, forming a formidable circle that entrapped the pair.

Barely straightened his spine, giving his best toothy smile. "Ah, hello."

The taller one, who attacked Nix, spoke next, his voice gruff. "Do you folks need directions?"

"Yeah," Kent replied brusquely, hopping off the four-wheeler and going for the larger of the two. He grabbed the man by his front collar, bared his teeth, and held a knife to his throat. "Where's my kid?" Though they were the same height, Kent appeared just a bit larger than the man. Abigail wondered if it was his veteran's ire or the confidence that came with it.

Barely took a step back, but Sebastian and Emily immediately cornered him. The man lowered himself to his knees. "W-we know nothing about a kid."

"DON'T LIE TO ME," Kent's voice boomed. Then, he inspected the front of his target's white shirt, which was speckled red. When he spoke, he growled like a grey wolf. "Is that her blood?"

"We already sold her off!" Barely confessed, his palms gripping the back of his head as he squeezed his eyes shut. "The buyer promised us a fortune so we could flee the country."

"Shut up," the man ordered.

"I'm not dying for your petty revenge, Rick," Barely spat.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at them. "Our country is a continent. Why are you walking west when your best bet would be northeast?"

Barely stared at him incredulously. "Other than the Gotoro Empire, what other country over there speaks English? Do you think he and I know any other language?"

Sam scrunched up his nose. "Ramdash speaks English. Even I know that."

"Who did you sell her to?" Abigail asked, her fists trembling.

Frogs in the Rain (Stardew Valley // Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now