Fixing You, Who Pretends to be Whole

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When Sebastian heard the train, he immediately shook his way out of bed and ran outside. He hadn't done that since he was a kid, but he couldn't help himself. Ever since he met Nix, he just felt younger. He felt alive. And, if a living twenty-two-year-old craved to sit by a passing train in the dead of night, well then, he would have to do just that. A skip in his step, he trekked up the mountain and towards the tracks, dazed and grinning from ear to ear as another whistle blew through the air.

Then, a ghastly sight froze him: a trail of crimson blood that led from the tracks to the front doors of the bathhouse. His pulse quickened, and he slowly made his way toward the building, pressing his ear against the door. All he heard was the racket of a train and the sound of his own ragged breathing. He slowly opened the door, taking a glance around before spotting more blood on the women's locker room door. Sucking in a deep breath, he pressed his ear against that door as well. Silence. His hand closed around the handle, pulling the door open as he took a look inside. He heard something scurry further into the building, leading him to wonder what on earth was going on.

"Hello?" He called, his voice echoing across the tiles. When he didn't hear an answer, he walked in. He followed the trail of blood to the sink, and then to the deep-blue tile floors that lead to the spa. An empty first-aid lay on the floor. He pursed his lips, trying to control his breathing as he trudged forward. "Is anyone in here? You can come out." He walked into the spa, the heat hitting his face and dampening the front of his black t-shirt. Steam billowed over the water, almost hiding the dark shadow that lurked beneath. He crouched down, trying to make himself appear less threatening. "Hey... you can come out. It's safe here."

That's when the bleeding figure surfaced, and Sebastian finally realized who it was.

"N-Nix?" He cried, nearly diving into the water as he skidded towards the edge, kneeling until he was on his knees and grabbing her by the front of her coat. She winced, her eyes heavy and her mouth agape. A thin streak of crimson dribbled from her lips, turning his blood ice cold.

"S...Seb?" She breathed weakly, leaning into his touch as he tugged her toward the edge of the pool. "It... it's you. I... I thought you were someone else."

"H-h-hey," he stuttered rapidly as he dragged her onto the tile. He regarded the blood-soaked scarf, his fingers trembling as Nix winced and heaved a few heavy breaths. "S-stay with me. What happened?"

"I was attacked," Nix said, gripping her stomach. "S...stabbed. I thought you w... I thought they found me."

Sebastian ran his trembling fingers through his hair. "We need to call Harvey."

"N-no!" Those words seemed to give Nix a bit of strength, and she hoisted herself up slightly so she could fasten her hand around his wrist. "P-please, don't call him. He can't..."

"Nix, you need a doctor," Sebastian insisted, using his hands to apply pressure to the wound. Then, he glared at an invisible person. "But Harvey... wait, he's visiting his sister tonight. I
-I can get Maru instead."

"Y-you don't understand," Nix coughed. "A... a doctor will only make things worse."

Sebastian let himself frown. He knew Nix was terrified of doctors, and the blood loss was probably worsening that feeling. "Maru will take good care of you. And I'll be right here. I promise."

Nix shook her head and repeated herself. "You... don't understand."

"What don't I understand?" Sebastian asked, pulling her head into his lap as he continued to press his weight into her stomach. He could feel the blood flow lessen, to his relief.

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