Thirty-Eighth Shot

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"I'm thinking of divorcing, Ash." About damn time, idiot. Elliot suddenly spoke when I sat in the passenger seat after a few awkward minutes of silence. I can get a perfect side view of Karina and that Traitor B talking from here so I was left with no choice. If she gets any wild ideas of hurting my girlfriend, I'm going to torture her in the worst way possible.

"She wasn't the woman who I thought I knew. Or maybe she changed?" Or you simply didn't know her true colors.

"We were happy at first even with what happened at uh...the wedding..." Did he really have to bring that up? I grumble a cuss under my breath as he continued whining, "but then suddenly, I found out about her past and the child. Fuck, it wasn't even mine." He held the steering wheel tightly and stared into thin air. I only nodded to appear as if I care. He's been warned by his parents but he didn't listen.

"And? When are you signing the papers?" I could care less about the outcome of their relationship but if this affects Karina in any way, then I might have to show a bit of concern. My girlfriend seems to be in a heated discussion with the idiot's wife–or ex?--because her brows were about to form a cross and she was holding her glass of juice way too rigidly. Is she okay? Even if I wanted to take her away from that vile creature, I held my ground and tried to pay attention to the person beside me who was wailing.

"C'mon, man. You're not even going to tell me to reconsider?"

"What's to reconsider? Your IQ is more than enough to tell you that you're making a rational decision. Break up if she's being too much. It's as simple as that."

"Then would you do that to her too? Would you give up on Kari if she was being too much?" Hell, no. She'll never be too much that I couldn't handle.

"This isn't about me, idiot. This is your life and you call the shots. Do you even love that woman?" Because if he does, he should do something about it and not complain like a kid who found out their favorite toy had a defect.


"You hesitated. That's more than enough to answer my question." Because if you really love someone, you never think twice even for a split second. I'd admit my love for Karina in a heartbeat.

"Word of advice, fix your issues by yourselves. Don't you two barge in on my girlfriend and me again or I'm not going to spare you from the consequences of your actions." Karina was now leaving the blondie to herself so I went out of the car.

Before I could close the door, he said, "Love must have changed you, huh, Calix." Au contraire, love didn't, idiot. It's an abstract concept that won't make sense without Karina. And I wouldn't change if it weren't for her, that's a fucking fact.

When I was outside the Lambo, I waited for her to come to me since she seemed to be rushing as she passed the street at the speed of light. When she leaped into my arms and crashed her lips to mine with my arms around her waist, the stifling feeling in my heart was gone. I got you, dove, no matter what.

"That was quite a morning, nuh?" Karina addressed earlier's fiasco as we were having breakfast and sitting across each other on the dining table with her signature tuna omelet and rice combo as our meal.

"Tell me about it." I mumbled as I chewed on my food then asked the one thing that's been bugging me the entire time, "What did she talk to you about?"

"Ah...well..." She diverted her gaze from me and focused on her food which was not a good sign.

"Was it about their divorce?"

"Elliot told you?" I nodded and even if it was for a few minutes, I'd been dreading every second of it to end.

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