Twenty-Eighth Shot

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"Hey, Calix. I wrote this as proof that I did not run away, okay? So calm down before you do something extreme. I woke up to cook breakfast for myself because I was hungry and I didn't want to wake you. I also made some extra so you can have them if you want," A smile instantly formed on my lips when I woke up and saw a yellow note on her side of the bed. She must have found some of my sticky notes lying near my bedside table.

Usually, I'm a light sleeper who can easily wake up with a small sound or a slight movement around my proximity because of my wretched past. However, this was no longer the case with her as we spent more time together. I was so deep into my slumber that I didn't even realize that she already left. Fortunately, she left me a note or all hell will break loose.

Although I wanted to grab breakfast together, I know it was pushing it given how she conceded to my suggestions last night. Thank god, I managed to persuade her even if I wasn't fully expecting it. I also can't believe how stupid I acted but as they say, all's well that ends well.

I went down to the dining room with only my boxers on and saw a plate with an egg omelette and rice on the table that was covered in plastic so it won't get soiled. There was another small yellow note stuck to it that read, "Make sure to eat your breakfast. If you don't like this, you can give it away to anyone else but refrain from dumping it in the trash because it'd be a waste of ingredients," I held on to the note and finished the food without a single morsel left.

I would never give this precious meal to anyone else, despite how it would taste. Plus, it's really good with not a hint of bias there which is now another obsession to add to my list. How can I ever get enough of her?

I took a photo of my empty plate with my thumb up in the frame and sent it to her with a message, "Morning. Just woke up. Thanks for the meal. It was great," with a smiley emoji. Even if I wasn't expecting a reply since she did say no to texts, I was on edge as I watched those three goddamn dots move.

She responded after five whole minutes, "K. See you Fri." Even if it was a curt reply, it made me grin wide like idiot #3. Oh fuck, I'm damned in this cloud nine.


"What day and time is it?" Even if there was a table calendar on my desk and various clocks of different time zones on the wall on my left, I still asked Theo when he came inside my office with a scowl. Good morning to you too, idiot #2.

"For the bloody nth time, Sir Calix, it's only Monday and it just stroked nine in the morning at New York," So that's 105 hours before 6:00 PM on Friday if I'm counting it correctly. Fuck, why is it taking so damn long? Time always moved so quickly with her but turned so slow without her. How I wish it was the opposite.

"Have you read all the proposals already?" He asked with his forehead creased and an iPad in his hands when he stood in front of me.

I replied with a smug grin, "Done. I even placed comments on the side of it too," and pushed the stack of papers towards him to show that I was finished with all of it.

I got so bored waiting for something to happen last weekend–wishing Karina would want to hang out–that I did most of my work to pass the time. In the past, it was necessary to have meetings arranged even on weekends but since Karina, I made sure to keep those days open in case she wanted to meet. Hence, weekends became my unexpected 'breaks' amidst Theo's complaints.

"That's good to hear. I thought you were going to be negligent with your work because of her," I rolled my eyes at him and snarled at him, "What did I say about addressing her in a rude tone?" I made him write a contract which was notarized by my attorney that he would not do anything that could possibly sabotage my relationship with Karina. This of which included speaking to her politely, avoiding to interact with her unless I give him permission and addressing her nicely even if she isn't around.

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