Thirtieth Shot

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Karina is making my feelings go on overdrive. Lately, she's getting bolder and bolder and I don't know how long I can hold out and stop myself from going any further. All it takes is a slight push for me to drop the L-bomb on her and surrender my rights to be hers.

It's also not helping how she got busier now and has lesser time for me. Her absence is taking a bigger toll than I expected. Unlike before, I can easily come over or make up a coincidence by meeting anywhere random but presently, she's in school most of the time so we could hardly see each other. Since going there would make it painstakingly obvious how much I like her, I chose to drown myself with work that Theo happily gives me to pass the time.

After Karina rendered me speechless again by taking a bite of the avocado toast–Jesus, this woman really–I had to take a few moments of stillness by the door like an idiot as she left for her Friday class. Once I was out of my reverie, I decided to wash the dishes and do a little cleaning.

Believe it or not, Calix Quentin Wright is officially a tamed man who does household chores for one woman. Even if I have no idea how to wash clothes, I can cook and assist with the cleaning which always puts a smile on Karina's face and I could move mountains to get a glimpse of it. Is this how it feels to be domesticated?! Oh, fuck, this is a complete 180 of my image but to heck with it.

"Did she get there safely?" I asked Dane after he texted me that Karina was dropped off at school, "Yes, Sir," he replied curtly so I said, "Alright, good to know," then dropped the call.

Although Dane was supervising Karina's whereabouts before, he wasn't her official security detail until that paint incident. Because of it, my entire safety force had to be reshuffled to ensure that Dane–the best one among them–is the one closest to Karina. She still had her five shadow guards but they won't meet her until it was the right time.

That's why I have a new guard and driver who goes with me to work but I still can't remember his name. The only thing I recall about him is that he somehow drives Theo's nerves to the edge because of his random moments of clumsiness and his stuttering whenever my secretary is around.

Even if he was known to be the second best in the team, he seemed to make a series of mistakes in front of my secretary. Although it could have easily annoyed me since I'm merciless when it comes to work, it was amusing to see someone else taking Theo's attention so I let it be. Who knows, this new guy might make him stop nagging at me for spending time with Karina.

Since I've ensured that Karina's in school, I decided to take a cold shower because the mere smell or thought of her already makes me hard. Oh good lord, what has this woman done to me?!

I don't know how long I spent in the bathroom until I heard a few footsteps by the door. I was cooling down my body, particularly my lower half, but was taken aback when I felt someone's presence nearby. Wait, she's back? With that assumption, a sudden devious idea came to mind.

Since she teased me last time, I thought I should return the favour so I barely wiped myself and left the bathroom with only a towel strapped around my waist which reached past my knees. I wonder how she'll react to this wet look. Will she like it or love it?

"Karina?" I went out of the bedroom door and spotted her immediately, running towards me along with a sudden thud in the background.

I smiled at her, "Miss me already–oh." Shit. My grin turned upside down when I noticed that she had visitors. Here I was hoping that her plans got cancelled. Shoot me.

An awkward cough disrupted the discomfiting silence in the air which came from one of Karina's guests that stood behind her. When I glanced at them, there were two polar opposites. The biological male on one side, the person who coughed, wore flashy rainbow pants while the biological female beside him had a black monochromatic look in that leather dress.

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