Chapter 5

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Elle wanted the things to be over soon, she wanted to complete her story as fast as she could and not get bothered by it but was it possible to narrate the complete story for her struggle and not get affected by so she scoot over to Noah and ask him to hold her and to not let her fall and if she some how goes into something dark then pull her back but don't let her stop the story otherwise it will never be completed. Answering to her request Noah just pulled her to himself and made her sit on his lap and gave her the comfort she needed at that time.

It was started from the time Elle got to know her mother was ill and would not survive for long she got very scared and wanted to do anything and everything in her hand to protect her mom and never let her go but the time came and thing which was inevitable came her mom died from there she could never come back the trauma she had gone through was so much to handle for young girl like her who was so full of life and never had to think about the outcome before pranking anyone or to get in any trouble just to have fun but all of sudden her protector her mother left her which was a big blow to her life which she was unable to forget and move on but with the help of her best friend and her mother's best friend and her dad she was able to come out but was scared for life that she will lose someone or other whoever comes close to her that is why she maintained friendship with lee and every other important relationship with every people around her but never came out of her shell she created for her own protection but Lee somehow understood her pain and broke her shell and became her friend to whom she can go to anytime for any problem.

Her another struggle came after she realized she had to take care of her father and brother as her mother used to do because her father had to work for their living and Brad was very small to understand anything, so Elle became the women of the house to take care of her brother and father and sometime took care of herself. Soon years passed and she somehow finally coped up with her loss and started to become the Elle she was but then came Noah her first crush but could not do anything till that day due to the promise she made to Lee but when they grew up and she could not control her feelings for Noah but seeing him with every other girl made her back off every time.

This started her insecurities about her looks and her studies her game both got affected due to that and which created problem for her in school however she came over that feeling because she knew Noah can never be hers and she cannot afford to let this feeling affect her carrier as she wanted to go to college with Lee and for that she needed good marks and same thing with her game that can give her full support to make it through college on sports scholarship . Then came the time of kissing booth from where her and Noah started. It took only one kiss for them to come together for her feelings to come back and all the restrictions that she kept for herself to keep her for Noah to go the bin.

It's all for today next update within few days and big one where all her insecurities will come Infront of Noah and they will find the solution to it. Please read like share and comment. Thank you, bye bye guys.

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