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Elle continued her story as how she and Noah started her dating just from one kiss that happened in kissing booth. It took only that one kiss for her to feel all that love all over again which she had somehow locked in her heart. After listening to Elle, Noah felt as if he somehow failed to help her make her comfortable or understand her as his main purpose to start those flings and get the name of flirty bad boy Flynn was to get over her as he thought Elle was in love with his younger brother and he didn't wanted to come in between them but when Elle also responded to his kiss he felt as if she also felt something for him and then whatever happened on the patio in the park made him realise that Elle also reciprocated his feelings and he was not backing down and will continue to love her and will also get committed in a serious relationship even if it means making things bad for Elle and Lee as he also knew about that stupid list they made when they were of six years and who on earth realizes they are in love with someone at that age.
He then again continued to concentrate on what Elle was talking about now and heard her repeat whatever was going on his mind that how they overcame there hesitation how they sneaked around before Lee got to know about them and then how actually Lee found out and then what all happened as to how he reacted and then what all it took from both Elle and him to get Lee overboard with their relationship. Finally, it came to the time where there parents got to know about them and then how they got to know that their parents are selling there lake house as it was difficult to maintain and how in between that they graduated and Elle had a massive task to select in which college she wanted to go to. One moment she thought of her bff Lee and their dream of joining Berkeley and then another moment how she wants to spend all her time with Noah now to concentrate on their relationship be with him and study in Harvard Elle always wanted to be with him and enjoy her relationship with him. She  also wanted to give Lee best farewell gift until they are able to be with each other all the time and that is why she got excited and wanted to fulfil and check off all the items in the bucket list but managing her work planning and executing the bucket list, babysit her brother and finally taking some time out for Noah was all together very difficult for her and she actually bit more than she can chew while accepting and planning all the task. On top of that return of both Marco and Chloe had been difficult confusing and problematic all at the same time as Elle had her doubts with Chloe and Noah had seen Elle literally kissing Marco on the stage of a dance competition which was televised all over the state. So, seeing him back and seeing Elle making conversation with him including him in the bucket list task was not going well with him alongside Elle questioning him about Chloe created some kind friction in between them which was not good for either of them.
Seeing Elle disclosing or to say narrating exactly what he was thinking and replaying his side of the story in his mind alongside Elle's thinking was clearing all the confusion within him regarding their relationship. He was also seeing how wrong he was to judge Elle as she had so much on her plate and after that he also created so many problems for her also not at all being supportive was making him feel guilty and the worst was yet to come.

Hello hello hello, I am so sorry readers that I took such a long break and that to without giving any updates as to why I am not publishing any other chapter but trust me I had my reasons most importantly they were pretty serious reason as why I was not able to write anything or even updating as to when will I able to give any further updated on this story. Sorry guys I really feel bad about my behavior and hopefully I will be forgiven. Please enjoy the story share as much as you can. Please like and comment. Bybee guys

Elle and Noah a twisted love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ