Chapter 5

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Tom's POV

My friends are mad. They briefed me later on their elaborate scheme to kidnap Jason and bring him as a decoy, for they were sure I'd open the door for him. I also wouldn't suspect anything was unusual if only one person was there. A crowd of people carrying party supplies would be pretty obvious.

Oh, and one more small detail. They brought her.

Not that I could complain. She looked stunning, in her black skinny jeans and a simple navy and white striped t-shirt, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was shyly sitting on one of the couches, calmly sipping her drink. I felt bad for her; she barely knew anyone here but me.

I walked over and plopped myself in the couch, purposely hard enough so I jostled her a bit. She smirked at me and laughed.

"Having any fun?" I asked.

"Sure, your friends are really cool."

"Yeah, kidnapping people is always the sign if a good friendship."

She turned away from me so I couldn't see how hard she was laughing. She was just so cute.

She finally ceased her peals of laughter, and she turned back around. Her caramel skin was slightly pink in her cheeks, what she... Nervous? Does she like me as much as I like her?

For a few moments we stared into each others eyes. I was almost lost in her chocolate orbs.

A hand was laid on my back.

"Hey dude, happy birthday!"

Moment broken. I turned, it was one of my not-as-close friends, Cole.

"Thanks" I forced a smile. "It's actually tomorrow, but that just made it more of a surprise."

He chuckled, "Yeah, man, we really got you!"

I sent him a look, glancing from him to Desirae. He got the idea. But before he left, his eyes laid on her a bit too long for my liking.

He better not get in the way of this.

But wait... Aren't friends supposed to come before girls?

The unexpected always alters our lives the most.


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