Chapter 1

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I took a quick step back. My mind only recognised that the "figure" was a "Caution, Wet Floor" sign for a split second before I landed straight on my butt.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up, still making a very attractive face from the sharp shooting pain, and saw another small figure.

This one was definitely not a wet floor sign.

She was American, that was for sure from her voice, but I didn't know why she would be in England. She said something and reached out a hand; that's when I'd just been staring at her like a bloody fool.

"Sure, thanks." I grabbed her hand and regained my composure. I was now towering over her, she couldn't have been much taller than 5 feet. Her dark skin illuminated her brown eyes. He smiled.

"I saw you diving, you have a really nice form. "

"Thanks, so do you. " I mentally slapped myself. What the heck are you doing, mate!

She, fortunately, looked only slightly taken aback. She grinned at me, lighting up her pretty face.

"Good pickup." She laughed. "I'm sure you get to use that one a lot. "

"Actually, that was the first time.

She shyly looked down at her feet, blushing.

What's your name?" I managed to blurt out.

"Desirae, yours?"

"Tom." Desirae... Pretty name for a pretty girl.

I looked up a her. "Do you want to go sit down?", I winked. "Wouldn't want me to fall again."

Desirae smiled and laughed again. I like that I can make her laugh. "I'd like to, but I've got to get back to work. See you later. "

She smiled and turned, and I heard a voice call out to her, probably her boss.

Who is this American?


I drove home replaying her voice in my head. That accent was so cute. I wonder is she likes me... Is she single?

My thoughts and questions instantly stopped, and only one was left there to remain.

I had only been in my Speedo.

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