A Lost Boy ~17

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HI, IM BACK, AND OH MY GOSH GUYS. 1.2K READS?!? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, anyway, back to the story.

Your POV

You sat next to Monty in PAS, repainting his arm. You found some paint in storage and made sure to put effort into each stroke. You were going to make sure he looked good as new. There was a comfortable silence, the kind where you just enjoyed each other's presence silently. "Could ya look at my codin' before we do anythin' else?" Monty asked as you were finishing up. "Of course, whatever makes you feel better." You said as you hooked him to the computer.

You checked his systems and found no sign of the glitch or anything out of place. "Nope, everything's normal. We're all set big guy." You said, closing your computer. As both of you had gotten up before there was a notification from your watch.

I need you to find a lost kid before the Plex closes. He's around 12, with brown eyes and hair, also about 4'10 in height. If you don't find him there will be consequences 🙂

Awesome, just what you needed. More work from Vanessa. You let out an annoyed sigh and Monty looked at you with a confused expression. "We have to find a little boy before the Pizza Plex closes." You huffed. "Should we alert the rest of the group?" Monty asked.

You both walked to the lift and started ascending. "Yeah, I'm probably gonna get fired if we don't find him." You said, rolling your eyes. "Also, while you're alerting everyone else, could you check your systems for any little boys with brown hair and brown eyes?" You added as you reached the top. Monty did as you asked while you both started walking around in search of the little brunette.

You had gotten stopped a few times because of the little kids coming up to Monty asking for a picture or a signature. A lot of kids were basically forced to by their parents because the child didn't want to, or they were scared. It hurt your heart a little because apart from his intimidating appearance, Monty was truly a big softie.

But there were a few kids who weren't scared and came up to Monty on their own. One little kid specifically. They had brown skin and gorgeous green eyes. She wore her dark brown curls tied back into two short ponytails. "Hi Mister Montgomery! I wanted to know if I could take a picture with you!" The little girl beamed, holding up her fazcam.

"Sure thing lil' Rockstar! You can call me Monty, what's your name?" He asked, picking up the little girl and placing her on his shoulder. "My name's Azara (As-are-uh) and I'm nine and a half!" She chirped as her mom took the fazcam. "That's pretty awesome Azara." He smiled.

You backed up so you wouldn't be in the shot before Monty grabbed your waist. "You can get in here too." He winked at you through his glasses. You moved in but Monty pulled you closer to him. "Don't get shy on me now, I don't bite...unless ya want me to~" He grinned.
You lightly blushed before getting ready for the picture.

"Okay, Rock n' Roll on three, ready?" Monty said looking at the camera. The mother counted to three as Monty posed, flexing the arm Azara was sitting on while his other hand that was wrapped around you held up the "Rock and Rock" sign. You held up the same gesture as Monty did, smiling at the camera, hoping you didn't look like a mess.

"ROCK N ROLL" You all cheered, giving your cheesiest smiles. The mother snapped a couple of photos before smiling to herself. "Thank you so much, are you ready?" Azara's mother asked her. "Yep! I just have a question for Mister Monty!" She said, turning towards Monty.
"Are you guys married?" She whisper-yelled. Your eyes grew wide as Monty started to chuckle. "Can ya keep a secret?" Monty asked, bending to the small girl's level.

She nodded her head quickly with excitement. "She's my girlfriend right now, but she'll be my wife pretty soon." He said, winking at her. Azara's eyes glistened with joy. "I can't wait to be at your wedding! Don't tell anyone this...but you two are my favorites!" She smiled, hugging Monty's leg.

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