Chapter 21- New Age

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Chapter 21- New Age

(August 17, 2000)

As the sun is beginning to set over the east coast of the United States, a loud whinny breaks the quiet in the woods in northern Virginia. Amidst several trees, a pair of horses are slowly walking through the underbrush. On their backs, Samuel Adams and Tyler Hall are just quietly looking around at their surroundings. Adams had brought his family up to Virginia to visit the Halls, and he and Hall had decided to go riding in the woods just for a bit of relaxation.

As they ride through a clump of bushes, Adams speaks and says, "Can you believe he's finally gone?"

Hall nods. "At last, his influence is gone," he says. They are, of course, referring to Carl Altmark. The former leader of the TLM had been executed just a few days ago at Camp Zulu on Diego Garcia. In something a little more unorthodox these days, he was executed by firing squad, and his remains buried at sea. The whole planet had celebrated a bit at Altmark having finally been executed for his many crimes.

It's been almost two years since Altmark was captured. Since then, the war against the TLM has all but ended. After Altmark and his top leadership had been captured, the TLM had begun to fracture and come apart. Continued Alliance attacks had fractured the TLM and scattered its remaining members.

Admittedly, the TLM was not gone. The group still existed, mostly in hiding, but hadn't given up. However, the organization now numbered just in hundreds, rather than the over 10,000 it used to. For the most part, the organization has kept in hiding, trying to recover from the serious blows the Alliance had inflicted. However, by now, the Alliance had pretty much dismissed the TLM as a real threat at this point.

Life has settled down a bit on Earth. Most of the wars and civil conflicts that had wracked the planet in the last few years have ended, democracy has spread, and peace has settled over the planet. Adams and the other members of the ASAT team have appreciated the peace, but also felt a little bit bored that their skills as commandos are no longer needed the way they have since the Republic first came to Earth.

"You know, Tyler, I kind of get now why you bought this place and took up this life. Definitely helps occupy the mind when we're not being called up for some operation. Makes it easier to deal with luls in action," Adams says.

"No need to tell me, brother," Hall chuckles, patting his horse on the neck. He then glances at his watch and says, "Hmm. It's almost time for dinner." He smirks, then says, "Race you back." Hall then snaps the reigns, and his horse leaps forward through the brush.

"It's on, Tyler!" Adams shouts so Hall can hear him as he also spurs his horse into a gallop. Together, the two friends laugh as they ride at full speed through the woods back to Hall's property, glad to be back in a time of peace.

(Frederick, Maryland)

In her kitchen, Ahsoka smiles as she finishes chopping the last of the potatoes. She carefully raises the bowl and dumps all of the potato chunks into the pot to start cooking. She then sets the bowl and knife she used for chopping into the sink.

"Is the steak gonna be ready?" she calls out.

A second later, the door onto the deck opens, and Dakota pokes his head in. "Yeah, they'll be ready before the potatoes have even finished, slowpoke," he says in a teasing tone.

Ahsoka smiles back at her new husband. She and Dakota had just gotten married about a month ago, and after returning from their honeymoon, they had moved into a new house together in Frederick. The newlyweds have been enjoying every minute of their new life together.

For Ahsoka, it's been a strange feeling. Having grown up in the Jedi, being married now is a strange experience for her. However, she wouldn't trade it for anything. And she couldn't be more grateful that the Jedi Code now allows marriage and romantic relationships.

"Are you sure you don't have any meetings with the Council tonight?" Dakota asks from out on the deck.

"Positive, honey. I told Master Windu I needed the night off to spend with my husband," she says.

"Well, I'm glad to have a night free with my wife," Dakota calls back, making Ahsoka smile and blush a little. It still makes her giddy every time Dakota calls her his wife.

Ahsoka glances out the window at the fading light. This is the life she knows now that she always wanted deep in her heart.

(Terran Jedi Temple, West Virginia)

At the pinnacle of the dome of the Terran Jedi Temple, Mace is standing quite still, looking out over the West Virginia landscape. His thoughts are focused on the events of the last few years, but still looking forward to the future.

Things have changed a lot in the last few years. In the six years since he came to Earth, his outlook on everything has changed. He feels a burden like he's never felt before as he knows he has to lead the Jedi into an era unlike anything they've experienced before.

As he looks out over the landscape, Mace wonders quietly to himself what kind of challenges the Jedi will face. And wondering when the time will come when the Jedi will have to aid the Alliance in once more fighting the Sith.

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