Chapter 5- Interrogation

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Chapter 5- Interrogation

(New Lessu, March 6, 1995)

Hall sighs very slightly as he continues to watch the man they captured, who is still chained to a table in an interrogation room. He somewhat wishes the window wasn't a one-way window so that the man could see him and the look Hall is giving him.

The man, who they had identified as a Mr. Callahan originally from South Carolina, was the only survivor of the attack in New Lessu the previous day. All of the terrorist attackers, except Mr. Callahan and one other, had been killed by the troops, Jedi, and armed civilians who had engaged them.

Mr. Callahan had been held in a small FBI office that had been constructed in New Lessu since his capture, and had been treated for his wounds from when he was attacked by Maverick during the fight the day before. Now, he has been restrained in one of the interrogation rooms for the last few hours as they wait for some CIA and FBI agents to arrive that have some intelligence they believe is related to Callahan and his organization, and to begin the interrogation for real. While a few people have asked a question a two when they've gone in to take him things or check his bandages, but he's so far said nothing.

Hall feels someone walk up beside him. He turns his head and sees that it's Mace, also staring at Callahan. The two stand in silence for several moments before Mace asks, "Has he said anything about what their goal was or what organization he belongs to?"

"No. Nothing. He's been pretty quiet so far. But don't worry. He'll talk eventually," Hall says confidently.

Mace is quiet for a moment before saying, "I do not like being a part of such interrogations."

"And you don't have to be. That's what we're for. Just stay out here and keep us updated on anything you sense from him while we're interrogating him," Hall says. Mace just nods in response.

A few seconds later, the door into the room opens. Hall and Mace turn and see the CIA and FBI agents enter.

"Gentlemen. Welcome," Hall says.

"Thank you, Colonel. Good to be here," replies one of the CIA agents by the name of Alec Storm who Hall has met before.

One of the FBI agents walks up to the window and into the interrogation room. "This the scumbag?" the agent asks.

"Yup. That's him," Hall responds simply.

"He given you anything?" another agent asks.

"Nope. Nothing," Hall responds simply.

"Alright. Storm and I will go in with Colonel Hall and start the interrogation, if that's okay," the first FBI agent to speak says.

"Sounds good to me," another FBI agent says.

"Alright. Let's go," Hall says.

The FBI agent, Storm, and Hall step toward the door leading into the interrogation room. Hall opens the door, and the three men walk into the room.

Callahan looks up at the men as they walk into the room. He looks a little bit nervous as he sees Hall, but tries to maintain a calm composure.

The FBI agent sits across the table from Callahan and opens a file. "Well. Quite the list of charges. Terrorism. Attempted murder. Attempted destruction of property. Attempted arson. Resisting arrest. Malicious use of explosives. Seditious conspiracy. Conspiracy to commit mass murder. Hate crimes. Quite the list here."

"I did nothing wrong," Callahan says.

"Oh, really. Because US law and international law says otherwise," Hall says.

"We're only trying to keep Earth for humans. What's so wrong with that? The Border Patrol protects our borders from people just coming across the border, and people deport people who shouldn't be here. Why can't we do the same?" Callahan responds.

"Really? That's all you're trying to do? You're trying to force the Twi'leks and other aliens off the planet? And you think the way to do it is by trying to bomb the train station and kill hundreds of innocents? What about the American soldiers and civilians you killed trying to do it?"

"A necessary evil. They got in our way. Earth is for humans. Not for aliens. If they're so desperate to escape the Empire, they can go find their own planet. They don't have to come to ours. Before long, they'll take over Earth and there'll be nothing left for us. We will do what we have to do," Callahan says defiantly.

Hall now steps forward, trying to look as intimidating as possible. "That's not up to you to decide. Their lives have no less worth than ours do. They are as welcome here as refugees from anywhere on Earth. You and whatever organization you belong to are no better than the Empire is you're going to do this kind of thing."

Callahan looks up at him defiantly, although Hall can see some fear in his eyes. "Not the way I see it," Callahan says.

"Well, that's too bad for you. Because you're not the one in control here, and the majority of the rest of the planet doesn't agree with you. The law is on our side, not yours. And the law says you could face multiple life sentences, maybe even the death penalty for what you've done," Hall says.

"I can't be sentenced to death. I've done nothing to warrant that," Callahan says defiantly, but with a little more fear in his eyes.

"Oh yes, you have, according to the law. But, here's the thing. I've received authorization from the Department of Justice to deliver this to you," the FBI agent responds. He pulls out a piece of paper and slides it across the table to Callahan.

"What is this?" Callahan asks, looking at it.

"A plea deal. As part of it, you agree to tell us about your organization, it's goals, and what you know of its plans, and you get a guarantee of avoiding the death penalty," the agent responds.

Callahan glares at him. "You think I'm that easy to sway," he says, but his nervousness starting to show in his voice.

"Oh, yes. If you want to be guaranteed to keep your life and avoid a lot of pain," Hall says, planting his hands on the table and leaning forward threateningly, seeing more fear come to Callahan's eyes.

(One hour later)

Mace and Aayla are quietly chatting in a room on the upper floor of the FBI building when the door suddenly opens. They turn and see Hall walking confidently into the room.

"Did you manage to get him to spill his secrets?" Aayla asks.

"Oh, yeah. We got him to spill. He didn't know as much as we hoped, but he knew enough. Enough to give us a start on fighting his organization," Hall responds.

"What did you learn from him?" Mace asks.

Hall takes a seat along with the two Jedi, and starts to talk, "We learned some crucial background on the organization he belongs to. They call themselves the Terran Liberation Militia. They're based all around the world. Their goal is as much as we suspected: to purge all aliens from Earth. They don't believe aliens are fit to share this world with us, and Earth should belong to humans only. They aim to bring this about either by killing all aliens or forcing them to leave the planet."

"What about their strength?" Mace asks.

"From what we were able to get out of Callahan, they number over 10,000 by this point, with members active in 74 countries," Hall says.

"Do we have any idea of their main operating bases? Or did he give a name of their leader?" Mace asks.

"He didn't have any idea of where their main base is, or the names of their top leadership. However, we did manage to get out of him where they were operating out of for this attack," Hall says.

"Then, that's our next objective," Mace says.

"Yes," Hall says too, a confident smile on his face.

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