Chapter 3- The Simple Life

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Chapter 3- The Simple Life

(March 3, 1995)

Ahsoka sighs in frustration as she erases two lines from her essay. She starts trying to rewrite the lines in a new way, but only gets five words in before she erases those too.

Lindsey looks over from her bed, where she's reading one of her textbooks. "Having a tough time?" she asks.

"Ugh, I hate writing essays," Ahsoka says. The paper that she is writing for one of her history classes, Origins of Western Civilization: Medieval Europe. After declaring her major in history that semester, she had started taking several history classes. Overall, she's taking five courses this semester, three of which are history classes.

Lindsey comes over and looks over Ahsoka's shoulder at her essay. After a few moments, she points to something and says, "You wrote that citation wrong. That's an APA citation, not MLA."

Ahsoka looks up at Lindsey both with a glare and a smile. "Thanks," she says, quickly changing the citation.

As Lindsey goes back to her bed, Ahsoka looks over at her and asks, "Hey, can you put on some music? I think I need some music to ease me up a bit."

"Sure," Lindsey says. She goes over to her desk and starts looking through the options on their new music device. This device has vast stores of music stored in it that can be played through the speakers. It just recently came out on the market about a month ago.

"What are you in the mood for?" Lindsey asks.

"Put on some Billy Joel," Ahsoka says.

Lindsey smiles as she pulls up their downloaded Billy Joel songs and presses play. Within a few seconds, "Piano Man" starts up.

Ahsoka smiles as she keeps writing her essay, humming along to the tune. Billy Joel is one of her favorite artists, and Piano Man is one of her favorite songs.

Ahsoka continues writing, feeling a bit more at ease from the music. She was already almost done with the paper, having just one more page to write. Since she already pretty much had it planned out, it doesn't take too long to finish it. After about an hour of writing and editing, she finishes the last page.

Ahsoka sighs as she leans back in her chair. "Ugh. Finally done," she says.

"Yes! Now we can go to the game!" Lindsey says.

Ahsoka smiles. That evening, the school's men's basketball team had a game against UCLA. They had wanted to go, but weren't sure if they would be able to because of Ahsoka's essay.

"Yup. We're still planning on meeting Sadie and Eliza outside the stadium an hour before tip off, right?" Ahsoka asks.

"Yup, that's still the plan, and I think Eliza's bringing her boyfriend too," Lindsey says.

"Perfect," Ahsoka says with a smile.

Lindsey smiles at her. "You know, Katie and I were talking today. Turns out, her cousin Danny is single now, and he's said before he thinks you're a great person. We were thinking of trying to set you two up on a date," she says.

Ahsoka rolls her eyes. "Lindsey. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I know the Terran Jedi Code doesn't forbid romantic relationships, and I'm not part of the Order right now, but I was still raised with that mindset, so I need time to be ready to date. If I feel ready to go out on a date, I will, but I'm not there yet."

"Oh, come on, Ahsoka," Lindsey says teasingly.

"No. Enough," she says. Lindsey rolls her eyes, but doesn't say anything.

The two sit chatting for a little over an hour, talking about their classes and projects they're working on. Then, around 5:30, they both change into their gamer outfits: school shirts, the "Cal" logo face painted on their cheeks, and other school paraphernalia. They then head out of their dorm and start heading for the stadium.

They meet their friends outside the stadium, exchanging hugs and talking excitedly about the game before the finally head up to the ticket booth and present their season passes.

As they all get settled into the student section inside the stadium, Ahsoka is grinning madly, excited for yet another game, and a time to just have fun with her friends and show some school spirit.

(Martinsburg, West Virginia)

"Is there any updates on the current situation in Bosnia?" Adams says over the video call. Also on the video call are Hall, Rommel, Mofaz, Stasevich, and Han.

Stasevich answers, "US and British fighters launched an airstrike on a Bosnian artillery position that was firing on civilians a few hours ago. They reported complete destruction of the position. I'm scheduled to lead a special forces team to rescue some civilians in a few hours."

"Any word from the Jedi Council?" Hall asks.

"I spoke with Master Windu earlier today. He and Master Secura are still busy in Utah and Arizona overseeing the preparation s for the Twi'leks' move to New Lessu. But it sounds like Master Fisto is going to be heading to Greece within the week, along with some clones, to join the peacekeeping forces," Adams says.

"Keep me updated on any news from the Council," Stasevich says.

"What about you, Tyler?" Adams asks.

"I had to stay behind for a little bit because Eliza got sick and Lacy and I were worried about her. But, she's feeling better now, so I'm catching a flight to Arizona tomorrow morning," Hall says.

"Alright. Sounds good. Keep me updated on any developments in Arizona," Adams says. He then pauses for a moment before he says, "Well, I think that concludes our business here. Call in again same time next week."

"See you later, Sam," Hall says, which is echoed by the other members of the team before they start to log off.

Adams leaves the room and heads downstairs, where his wife, Eliza, is watching TV. He sits down next to her and asks, "Calvin asleep?"

"Yup. He's been easier tonight than he has for a week," Eliza says with a smile.

Adams nods, then reaches out and rubs Eliza's growing belly. After the Clone Wars, they had decided to go ahead with their plans of expanding their family. Their second child, a girl, is due in a little over a month and a half.

"How's this little one?" he asks with a smile.

"Pretty active. She's definitely been turning my bladder into a soccer ball tonight," Eliza says with a smile.

Adams smiles brightly. "Can't wait to meet this little girl," he says. Eliza smiles back at him, and the two lean against each other, smiling as they relax to watch a bit of TV.

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