Chapter 2- Meetings

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Chapter 2- Meetings

(February 28, 1995, Salt Lake City, Utah)

Mace Windu and Aayla Secura hold onto their armrests as the Delta Airlines Boeing 767 touches down at Salt Lake City International Airport. They had decided to stop in Utah first, given that most of the Twi'leks were living in the state as of now. They were to meet with several people today to discuss operations to help the Twi'leks move to New Lessu. The move was to be made aboard trains rather than aircraft. Extensions of the Union Pacific Railroad had been built in both Utah and Nevada leading down to New Lessu. It was to be used for commerce following the settlement of the city, but its first duty was to be used to transport the Twi'leks to the city.

The meeting to discuss the move was to be held today. Then, Aayla would remain in Utah to help guide the move when it happened, while Mace would fly down to Phoenix to speak with leads of the Arizona National Guard to coordinate efforts to protect the Twi'leks when they finally made the move to New Lessu.

"Why does travel in Terran airplanes always seem more turbulent than anything from back home?" Mace mutters out loud.

"It's nice enough," Aayla says with a smile.

The 767 taxis across the tarmac of the airport towards Concourse A, finally pulling up to a gate and stopping. As the aircraft stops, the captain turns off the fasten seat belt sign, and a ding sounds. Everyone begins to stand up and grab their bags.

Aayla and Mace pull their carry-ons out of the overhead bins. Then, once the door opens, they walk off the airplane and head up the jetway into the terminal.

As they walk off the terminal, they saw a man in a military uniform. When he focuses on them, they realize he's here for them.

"Master Windu. Master Secura. Major Halstead, Utah National Guard. I've been instructed to fetch you and escort you to the Capitol building," the man says.

"Thank you, Major. Lead on," Mace says. The Major nods, and turns to lead them out of the terminal.

The Major leads them out of the terminal to where a limousine is waiting for them. Mace and Aayla's bags are loaded into the trunk, and they climb into the passenger area with the Major. The driver then drives off, leaving the airport and turning onto the I-80.

As the limousine drives along the I-80, eventually turning onto the I-15, Major Halstead gives them a brief rundown on the current situation. Overall, things have not changed much in Utah, but he does brief them on several threats that have been issued against the Twi'leks.

Driving along the I-80 and I-15, with the current traffic levels, it takes just 19 minutes to reach the Capitol building from the airport. As they pull up outside the Capitol, several guards open the doors, allowing Mace and Aayla to climb out. They make their way up the steps leading into the capitol building, accompanied by the security guards.

As they enter the building, the security guards lead them along several hallways. Finally, after several minutes, they reach a room that the guards direct them to enter.

As Mace and Aayla enter the room, they find inside the room four people: Mike Leavitt, the Governor of Utah; his Lieutenant Governor Olene Walker; commander of the Utah National Guard Major General Garret Whitmore; and Gordon B Hinckley, a member of the First Presidency of the LDS church. Originally, the LDS prophet, Howard W Hunter, was supposed to be present, but due to healthy reasons, he could not, and Hinckley took his place.

"Welcome, Masters. It's a pleasure to have you here," Governor Leavitt says, standing up to shake their hands., the other three following suit.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. But, we have business to discuss. We should get to it straight away," Aayla says.

"Indeed," Governor Leavitt says. Everyone sits down to begin the discussion.

"So, as you know, the majority of Twi'leks have settled here in Utah until New Lessu is built. Many of them are living in the southern part of state, primarily in St. George, Cedar City, and Fillmore. However, there are also substantial number living in Utah valley, primarily in Provo and Orem, and several living here in Salt Lake," Leavitt says.

"We are aware of this, yes," Mace confirms.

"What is their current living situations? Have they been properly taken care of?" Aayla asks.

President Hinckley speaks up. "Yes. The Church has delivering food and other necessities to the Twi'leks since even before they came to Utah. Our employment specialists have also helped them find jobs to begin earning their own wages in addition to the government allowance they receive. We are also prepared to continue sending them further aid after the move to New Lessu until they are able to develop their own agriculture and industry," he explains.

"Very good. The Jedi Council and the world governments thank you for your help in assisting all alien refugees since their arrival on this planet, especially the Twi'leks," Mace says.

President Hinckley just gives a warm smile in return that even makes Mace smile a bit. Then, Governor Leavitt speaks up again, saying, "I just received word from the chief engineer on the railroad project. The final section of track has been laid, and the necessary Amtrak and Union Pacific locomotives are being taken out of regular service in preparation to begin the move to New Lessu."

"Good. Now, it seems the logistics of the move have been figured out. The real problem we must discuss is the security. I will be speaking with the governor of Arizona tomorrow, but the Utah National Guard will be responsible for getting the Twi'leks on the trains and getting them safely into Arizona. I want to discuss with you any security risks towards the move here in Utah you may know of," Mace says.

"Inhabitants of Utah have been very good towards the Twi'leks. There has been some minor bullying and harassment from locals, but mainly from children, as we understand it. The main displays of ill feelings towards the Twi'leks have been here in Salt Lake City. Several groups have been opposed to their settlement here, however, they've been very calm in their protests," Lt. Governor Walker says.

"However, we have recently become aware of several groups that have come into Utah from other states. They have been harassing the Twi'leks heavily, even in their places of residence. We actually had an incident last week where a Twi'lek family living in Layton were attacked. The father and one of the children were badly hurt before Layton police arrived and arrested the three attackers. Through questioning, we've learned they came from outside the state with one of these groups," Governor Leavitt says.

"This is troubling. However, I think we are very lucky your people have been so receptive to the Twi'leks so far. I fear that much of the opposition will occur from Arizonans and groups from other states once we start the move to New Lessu," Mace says.

"I agree," General Halstead says. He pauses for a moment, then says, "We've begun mobilizing some of our troops to protect the Twi'leks and get them on the trains. We've so far mobilized 300 troops from three different units. We have a hundred troops here in the Salt Lake Valley, a hundred more in Utah Valley, and the remaining hundred spread out across Twi'lek settlements in the southern part of the state."

"How long will it take to complete the move to New Lessu?" Aayla asks.

"We estimate it shouldn't take more than three days to get all Twi'leks from Utah to New Lessu, as well as all of their belongings and everything else being sent with them to help get them settled," Governor Leavitt says.

"Very good," Mace says.

The meeting lasts for another half hour, discussing the particulars of beginning the move to New Lessu, further materiel support both from the state and LDS church, and security. After about half an hour, the meeting finally closes. Mace and Aayla say goodbye to the others, then leave for a meeting with Chall Secura, a distant relative of Aayla's who is going to be the first governor of New Lessu.

(Unknown location)

In a warehouse, a man is reading a newspaper which has several articles in it about new regarding alien refugees . Then, the phone lying next to him rings. The man picks it up and answers, "Hello?"

"Our man on the inside has confirmed that the device has been planted," a voice says over the phone.

"Excellent. We shall show those Twi'leks that they never should have sought refuge here. We will bring peace to this world," the man says, a vindictive smirk crossing his face.

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