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Anna woke up in an unfamiliar place she sat up in the big king size bed she was in freaked out. She got up and tried to find her babies, but they were gone her worst fears where coming true. She called out for Massimo, Liam and Vlad but got no answer, she started to cry and sink down to the floor shaking and holding herself. She started to pray and beg God for help and to make sure her babies were safe as she was praying, she heard the lock on the door being unlocked and opened and who walked in truly shocked her.

Anna stared at the older looking woman that walked thru the door. She looked just like Anna but at least twenty years older, Anna thought the woman was beautiful, but she was confused her mother had died that's why she was placed in the orphanage. Anna felt her head start to hurt and made way to get back in the bed never taking her eyes off the woman as she got back in the bed, she watched the older woman approach her slowly as the older woman sat at the end of the bed Anna could she the hurt and pain in her eyes, but she also saw love as well.

Melissa sat at the end of the bed just looking at her daughter. Anna was even more stunning in person; she looked like a carbon copy of her when she was younger, but she had her father's nose and ears. Everything else was all Melissa. Melissa sighed and began to speak "I know your confused and scared but let me assure you that your babies are safe and sleeping soundly in the next room". Anna let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and visibly relaxed as she spoke "so I guess my mother, right?".  Melissa nodded and smiled at Anna but then Anna frowned as she spoke "well where the fuck have you been and why did you bring me here".

 Melissa was not shocked by the tone of her child's voice, and she could hear her anger in her tone, however at the end of the day she was still her mother and she needed to watch her got damn tone. Melissa proceeded to speak and informed her daughter about the whole situation with what had transpired with Vlad Sr as well as the men who took her and also Sandoval. Anna couldn't believe anything she felt that this woman who was sitting in front of her was lying, she had been gone all these years and then she comes back with a crazy story about the men in her life and tells her she is married to someone else and those are their children together.

Anna couldn't take it her head was pounding and she felt as if she would be sick. She got up and ran to the bathroom and missed her footing slipping and hitting her head on the ottoman at the foot of the bed passing out. Melissa rushed to her child and saw blood coming from her head she called for Sandoval, Sandoval rushed into the room seeing Anna laying on the floor being held by her mother with blood coming from her head he took her out of her mother's arms and placed her in the bed after shouting for medical attention.

The doctor entered the room and attended to Anna advising Sandoval and Melissa that she more than likely would be unconscious for a couple of days and could possibly have her memory effected. Melissa already knew her memory was affected because she got Vlad Sr to spill his guts and he informed her that she was hypnotized. They had spoken with a specialist that informed them that she may have to be what they called deprogramed or if she was to have an accident this potentially her memory could resurface but they needed to make sure she got treatment right away because of the psychological effects.

Sandoval kissed his wife on the forehead and caressed her cheek and stepped out the bedroom heading back into the basement to handle business. He knew keeping both Liam and Massimo as well as Vlad would make things very hectic in their world so he did the only logical thing he could think off was to either pay people off or kill them. He also worked with his friend Shemar who ran the African mafia, they had been really good friends for years and shared the same dislike for both Vlad and Massimo, but they tolerated them.

When Sandoval informed Shemar of what had went down, he more than happy to help. As Sandoval entered the basement seeing both Massimo and Liam heavily strapped to the metal operating tables his mind raced, he knew he needed to take his time that's all he had right now was time with Anna unconscious and Melissa handling Vlad Sr. He vowed that the men laying before him would suffer double for how long Anna and his babies had been gone. Sandoval was going to be their judge jury and for damn sure their executioner. 

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