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A couple of months later....

Anna sat in the booth at the restaurant talking and laughing with Vlad Sr. She was always very fond of him she kind of saw him as a father figure, he invited her out to see how she was doing and how life was treating her. She was just about ready to give birth and she was very nervous, Sandoval did everything in his power to make sure that she was treated like the goddess she was, his mother also provided the motherly love she so desperately needed as well. They made sure that when she was feeling scared, they would comfort her worries and fears.

Anna ended up having high blood pressure due to the stress of soon becoming a new mother, which is why Sandoval and Susanna made sure to have her as relaxed as possible. They wanted to make sure that the babies or Anna would be unharmed or come earlier than expected. Anna was laughing and joking with Vlad Sr about how he could've sworn that she would be his daughter in law and how she would probably be the one bossing Vlad Jr around.

Vlad Sr had a very uncomfortable feeling in his gut, but he had a job to do. He didn't want his son to suffer the same way he had when it came to love, so as uncomfortable as it was for him to do the assigned task, he was tasked to do. He eased his conscience by telling himself that his son nor Liam or Massimo would hurt her, and that was all it took for him to relax.

All of a sudden Anna started to feel really tired and it felt difficult for her to keep her eyes open. Vlad Sr rush over to her holding her up from hitting face first on the table, she went limp in his arms, breathing slowly as she was in a deep sleep. He sighed out loudly and moving the young beauty to cradle her more in his arms, he motioned for the waiter to come back to the table and call his son.

Sandoval was across town in the middle of a meeting and felt his heart drop into his gut. He knew something was wrong and he on instinct jumped out his sit and headed to his office, with half the boardroom whispering behind him. He immediately dialed Annas number and found that it was disconnected, he threw his phone against the wall and shouted to his men "find her now!". With that the men nodded and rushed out the room, Sandoval has so many thoughts running threw his mind when it came to his wife and unborn children. For the first time in a while Sandoval dropped down to his knees and prayed to God to make sure his wife wherever she was stayed and was unharmed. He also prayed for strength for what he would do to those who did take her that he would be able to stop himself from burning everything and anyone to the ground, because as far as he was concerned entire bloodlines would pay for taking his family away from him.

Anna awoke with a slight headache and sat up looking around the unfamiliar room. It was absolutely gorgeous, but it wasn't her room. She started to panic when she heard the door open to reveal Vlad Sr. She automatically began to hop off the bed and hop on his ass hitting him repeatedly over and over, the only reason she stopped was because she started to feel pain in her lower stomach and next thing you know a gush of liquid came rushing down between her legs. 

Vlad Jr, Massimo and Liam made their way to Sandoval's home. They all had a plan and would stick to, and they were determined to make it look like they had nothing to do with Annas kidnapping at all. As they drove thru the gate and security Vlad Jr got a text from his father notifying him that not only was Anna at the secret location, but she was also in labor.  

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