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'Vox' article about women safety got blasting response from public along with political parties enemity. The Board was not happy with those enemity.....

A Couple of days later,

Das recruits a new member to 'Vox'

At 'Vox' writer's floor,

Das: Hey People! I'd like you all to meet Ms.Ekshitha... a columbia university graduate in Journalism (there came a girl with crisp business attire. She carries an aura which screams darkness)

Ekshitha: Hello all...

Das: She has just finished her intership with
NY Times...

Vik: NY Times as in Tabloid of NewYork? Vikram had a neutral face

Ek: Yes. They offered me full time position but I was so over NYC! (She boasted herself with her NewYork accent) And when Mr.Das called, I couldn't help but grab the offer.

Vik: Offer?... (sees Das) What offer??

(Das and Vikram moves away from thr place)

Vik: I didn't know that we are recruiting freshers from tabloids (asks sarcastically)

Das: Vikram. Ms.Ekshitha won't come in your way. She is gonna concentrate on lighter subjects like....hmmm... like entertainment, celebrities, elite circle......

Vik: Gossip?? (gives a pathectic reaction like what the hell it is?)

Das: Readers want this Vikram

Vik: But 'Vox' go after truth, not the audience...

Das: And I go after revenues not content. So, work with Ms.Ekshitha to get hits.

Vikram sighs... and thought she better not come in my way..

Next day at 'Vox' Office,
A meeting was going on with all the writers

Ek: The famous hotelier Jeydan Ritz Chakravarthy is currently with Sanam Kashap... Are you getting it??? He ditched his fiance for Sanam... A friend of mine is working in Sanam Kashap's film as AD. He told me that they are even sharing same caravan on set...

Others looks at her blankly, she again starts..

Ek: What do you know about Akshay Kapoor?

One writer: He is with Ms.Shetty right?

Ek: Wrong. He brokeup with her like an year ago, Don't bring outdated info. Get it?

Another writer: So that means he is single now?

Ek: Huhhuhaan.... He has a huge crush on The States Woman, we should know if they are dating... to spice it up a little, i need few photographs of them together... and.....

Vikram cuts her in the middle,

Vik: Ms.Ekshitha!

Ek: Yes Vikram.

Vik: 'Vox' is about social and political affairs and my team here reports on truth and suspicion not some random gossip shit.

Ek: Well Mr.Vikram... with an attitude This shit provides money to our salary account.
A source is a source..... Moving on to the topic. I need exclusive pictures of The states woman and Akshay Kapoor, to prove something is brewing between them. Follow them stalk them but get me proofs.

Ek: So, who is gonna do it?
(Everyone sighs at her idea)

Vikram left from there with troubled mind.
(His mv: yen tension aagura?
His conscience: yedhuku ipdi pandranga (with rage)
His mv: they need to make profit to run
His con: but what is the need to get into gossips?
His mv: gossip un prachanaya ila avanga sonna latest gossip un prachanaya?
His con: na onnum sameera pathi yosikala
His mv: nanum sameera nu solave ila
His con: pch.. ni edhuku vandha ipo
His mv: seri seri tension aagadha na poren)

Vikram preparing his espresso with extra strong at pantry. Ms.Ekshitha walk into him and caresses his shoulder.... leans on him and whispers 'Double espresso kinda day? '
Vikram's anger got triggered...

Vik: Back off... (yells at her) Just get the hell out of here.... (it gains attention from others)

Ek: Ohh... Vikram you look really stressed. Why don't you try some mind relaxing spas?

Vik: Stay out of my way like i stay out of yours.

Ek: Awee.... clamdown Vikram. Didn't you get the memo? I'm here to do your work. So, get along with the program coz I'm here to stay and you......... (points her index finger on his board manly chest and gulps) need to bare with me.....

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With Love

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