Chapter 18: Aerodactyl's Rage

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For a while, I didn't move. With thoughts racing through my mind, I opted to just stare at the ceiling in contemplation, feeling as if darkness was hugging my lungs.

Eevee was on top of me, curled into a ball, sleeping peacefully. With one hand, I rubbed her head, still lost in thought. For a good ten minutes, I did absolutely nothing, unable to make myself move.

With a soft yawn, Eevee stirred and woke up. She stood up and stretched, opening her brown eyes. With a curious look, she looked at me, her tail swishing back and forth, probably sensing my unease.

"Eevee?" she said with a concerned tone.

"I'm fine, girl." I petted her in an effort to ease her worry.

"Vee," Eevee narrowed her eyes skeptically, as if sensing my deceit.

I sighed. "I just had a very bad dream, that's all."

Her adorable eyes softened. She nuzzled my face. "Evori!" she said encouragingly.

Unable to fight her exorbitance, I smiled. "Thanks. That's what I needed."

She smiled and said, "Eevee!" She was just too cute for this world.

We climbed off the bunk bed, only to find that Trinity and Pikachu were nowhere to be found. Where had they gone?

As if on cue, the door opened. Trinity and Pikachu came inside. "You're finally awake," Trinity said with mirth.

"Where were you guys?" I asked.

"Buying these," she held up what looked to be tickets. "You said you wanted to go to the museum, right?"

"I was asking you if you wanted to go," I corrected.

She smiled slightly, "So you do want to go?"

"Screw it, let's go." I acquiesced

"Pika!" Pikachu seemed excited to go.

"Eevee!" Eevee was, as always, raring to go.

"Then it's settled," Trinity giggled.

We went out of the Pokemon Center and then made our way to the Pewter Museum of Science, wondering what it had in store for us.

We crossed the rock-strewed city at a brisk but relaxed pace, breathing in the refreshing, cool air that was natural for such high altitudes, enjoying the scenery that the mountain entailed. On our way there, locals congratulated us for our win against Brock, cheering us on for our next gym challenges, while children who looked close to being the age needed to become a trainer asked for advice for when they finally become one.

After a while of excitement, we were finally able to get there, sighing in relief at the lack of attention. A legendary trainer must feel the magnified might of the attention we were getting at all times. It made me feel slightly bad for them.

Eevee and Pikachu seemed worn out from all the eager children that begged to be able to pet and play with them. Trinity and I just gave them awkward smiles and, mentally apologizing to our partners, allowed the children to enact their reign of adorable terror.

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