Chapter 12: Catching Ralts Part 2

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Trinity's POV

I was internally shaken as I was in the process of catching a pokemon for the first time. I should have been excited—this was my dream, what I'd always wanted to do. But now since I'm a Pokemon Trainer, the reality of things was starting to slap me in the face.

Ever since when I was ten, when I found out about me naturally repelling pokemon, I started to doubt myself—to be less sure of myself. I didn't know how Vali did it. He was too sure of himself. In a way, him and I are alike, but different.

The blonde-haired idiot was composed and calm when battling, while I felt like I was a scared Rattata running away from a Pidgey when I was trying to catch Ralts.

I'd ordered Pikachu to use Iron Tail.

"Pikachu!" he exclaimed as he was about to bring his sword-like tail down on Ralts.

"Ralts," he said simply, his red eyes flashing slightly. Suddenly, Pikachu's tail lost its metallic sheen. He slowed down, which allowed Ralts to simply walk out of the tail's way.

What had happened? Pikachu's attack randomly stopped.

"Pika?" Pika said in confusion. I was confused as well.

Then I'd realized what Ralts had done: he used Disable, which stops a pokemon from using a particular move temporarily.

I could barely shout "Pikachu, look out!" before Ralts sent a wave of psychic power at my partner, smacking him away. It had used Confusion.

"Pika!" Pikachu shouted as he was batted away.

I grit my teeth, knowing how annoying this battle was going to be.

Thankfully, this Ralts didn't know Teleport, but it did know Zen Headbutt.

A semi-translucent half-sphere of purple energy covered Ralts's head as he flew to Pikachu, who was still flying backward at high speeds.

But I wouldn't let it.

"Pikachu, jump from the tree using Tackle!" I said, taking inspiration from Vali. Of course, it wasn't fully copying. I was going to put my own spin on it.

"Pikachu!" he said affirmatively, before kicking off the tree he was sailing to with Tackle, using his already established momentum to propel himself further. He flew above Ralts, waiting for my inevitable order.

"Thunder Shock!"

"Pika... CHUUU!" Pikachu rubbed his cheeks, bolts of electricity coming out of it, flying toward Ralts with the intent to smite it.

Ralts, who apparently wasn't surprised, launched another Confusion at Pikachu. It seemed so calculated, almost as if he... planned it. Wait, what if it used Zen Headbutt as a distraction and was really trying to do something else?

The realization hit me as I remembered potential abilities for Ralts. What if this Ralts had the ability Trace? It allows the user to find out the ability of any pokemon it goes into battle against. And I knew that Pikachu's ability is Static, which paralyzes opponents on contact, from scanning him with the pokedex. So that meant that Ralts knew about Static and was actually trying to confuse us.

The Confusion and Thunder Shock collided, erupting with an explosion from the where the attacks met, hitting both pokemon with explosive force, flinging both backward.

The two crashed into the floor, looking dazed, struggling to get up. I didn't know if Disable's duration was over. If it wasn't I would have to stall for time.

Both Pikachu and Ralts stood up once more, facing each other with new vigor as they began to understand each other's fighting prowess. The two of them were excited—eager to find out who would remain victorious in this struggle.

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