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Make sure to read chapter forty one before this!

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September 1st, 2022

The sun is shining in through the curtains, illuminating our bedroom. Theo is still half-asleep beside me despite the alarm going off twice.

I run my hand through Theo's hair. "Theo, wake up," I say. "We're going to be late."

"No we're not," Theo mumbles, eyes still closed. I move to get out of bed but Theo grabs my hand and pulls me right back. "Come on, let's just lay in bed for ten more minutes."

As if on cue, there's the sound of footsteps in the hallway followed by voices.

"We can't," I tell Theo. "The kids will miss the train."

Theo groans in response but starts to get out of bed anyway.

We both start to get ready for the day. I brush my teeth and change out of my pajamas while Theo does the same. He leaves to go make tea while I do my makeup.

By the time I meet Theo in the kitchen, he has my tea ready for me and has gotten everything out to make breakfast.

Our dog, Charlie, comes running over to me, wagging his tail. I pet him until he calms down a bit and decides to go stand at Theo's feet since he has food.

I walk over to Theo and take my tea from my husband. I set the mug on the counter and stand on my tip-toes to kiss him. Theo's hand rests on the small of my back and he grins into the kiss.

When we break apart, I smile at Theo. "Thanks for the tea," I say.

"You're welcome," He replies, still not making a move to put any distance between us.

An exasperated sigh comes from the kitchen door. "Gross," Juliet mumbles.

I take a step back from Theo and shake my head, still smiling. "Good morning to you too," I tease. "You excited to start fifth year?" I ask.

Juliet walks into the kitchen and starts to make her own cup of tea from the still-hot kettle. She shrugs, "Yeah, I guess. Not excited for the O.W.L.'s though."

"Don't stress about those too much, you'll do amazing," I say.

Theo leans against the counter and smiles. "I remember fifth year, loved it," He says. "That's the year that I got to watch your mum punch Michael Corner in the face. Oh, I was a goner."

Juliet laughs and shakes her head. "If you were so in love with mum then why'd you wait two years to make a move?" She teases.

I turn to look at Theo and try not to laugh. "Yeah, how come it took you so long?" I joke.

"Hey, don't make fun of me, I was playing the long game," Theo answers with a smirk.

Juliet grins at this and looks exactly like her dad. She has long brown hair and dark blue eyes and looks like the spitting image of Theo aside from her nose and lips. She's fifteen years old now and is starting fifth year. Juliet is in Slytherin just like Theo and I were.

"All I'm hearing right now is excuses, dad," Juliet says.

The kitchen door opens and Bianca, our oldest daughter, walks in. "Good morning," She says. "What're we talking about?"

Juliet opens her mouth to talk but Theo beats her to it. "I was just about to make breakfast, does pancakes sound good?" He asks.

I make eye contact with Juliet and we both try not to laugh at Theo's very obvious diversion to get her to stop making fun of him.

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