thirty two

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April 4th, 1998

The past couple of weeks has flown by pretty quickly. Class continues but it seems like everyone in seventh year is getting antsy. I'm just ready to be done. In two months I'll be out of Hogwarts and starting Healer training.

Theo and I spend a lot of time together. He's almost always at my side. I'm really happy.

Things at Hogwarts are kind of hell, and it's only gotten worse as the weeks go on. Everyone is tense because of the war and the Carrow twins seem to be upping their detentions and punishments. My friends and I have managed to stay out of trouble for no other reason than our last names.

Thankfully, we all get a break from everything for two weeks.

I finished packing last night so I had more time to sleep in this morning. Pansy is currently shoving things into her trunk since she decided to put off packing until the literal last minute.

Daphne is already down in the common room with the boys but I'm helping Pansy finish packing which really means just throwing things in her direction for her to messily put into her trunk. She finishes packing with five minutes to spare and we both head down to the common room.

Everyone is already waiting with their trunks. All of us are leaving for the holidays. Blaise is going home with Daphne, Draco and Pansy are both going home, and Theo and I are going on a trip.

Theo is leaning against the back of the couch with his trunk. I go over and stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss.

"Morning," Theo says. His voice is still a bit raspy from sleep.

I smile, "Good morning."

Theo kisses me again and I lean into him before Draco clears his throat and we break apart.

"Come on, you've got two weeks to do that, we're going to miss the train," Draco says.

He has a point.

"You're absolutely right," Theo says. He presses a kiss to the side of my head before he grabs my trunk from me.

The six of us all leave the castle and start the walk to the train station in Hogsmeade. There's a slight chill to the air but it's sunny out so it feels much warmer than it actually is. We file into the crowd of students heading towards the station. Less people leave Hogwarts during the Easter holidays compared to Christmas, but there's still a mob of people waiting on the platform.

I spot Ginny Weasley with Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and Dean Thomas. There are a few other Gryffindors with them whose names I can't quite remember. They're all talking quietly as they board the train.

We take care of our luggage and follow everyone else onto the train.

I walk down the length of the train to find an empty compartment. In one of the compartments, I see Matthew who is sitting close to Sawyer. I'm still not really sure if they're dating or not because my brother never gives me an answer when I ask. Their heads are bowed together and they're both talking and smiling. Sawyer is spending the holidays with Matthew at our house.

We finally find an empty compartment. Daphne sits by the window and Blaise sits next to her, Draco sits on his other side. Pansy, Theo, and I are sitting across from them.

Theo wraps his arm around my shoulders and I rest my head on his shoulder.

The train pulls out of the station and we all head back to London. The group of us makes conversation for a bit but it dies out pretty quickly. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep leaning against Theo.

- - - - -

When I wake up a few hours later, the city is rolling by outside the window. Blaise is asleep against Daphne, Pansy is passed out with her head propped up against the window, Daphne is writing something in her journal, and Draco is reading a book.

Based on the steady rise and fall of Theo's chest, he's asleep. He had fallen asleep with his head resting on top of mine so when I move his head falls to rest on my shoulder.

Daphne notices that I'm awake. "We should be at King's Cross in fifteen minutes or so," She says quietly.

I nod in response. I run my hand through Theo's hair and nudge him gently. He moves slightly but just ends up nuzzling closer against my shoulder.

"Wake up, we're almost to King's Cross," I say, continuing to rake his hand through my hair.

"I want to sleep," Theo replies.

I can't help but smile at him. "You can sleep when we get to Amsterdam," I tell him.

Theo abruptly lifts his head from my shoulder and looks at me. "Oh, we will not be sleeping when we get to Amsterdam," He says, sounding wide awake now.

"Yeah? What are we going to do then?" I ask.

"First, we'll check into the hotel, then-"

Draco closes his book and rolls his eyes. "Please don't finish that sentence, I'm begging you," He says.

Theo and I laugh and Daphne tries to hide her laugh with her hand.

Daphne wakes up Blaise and Pansy shortly before we pull into King's Cross, and both of them grumble about being woken up.

Once the train comes to a stop, we all get stuck in the foot traffic of everyone trying to exit the Hogwarts Express. All of the younger kids run across the platform and towards their waiting parents. The six of us collect our trunks and stand into a little group off to the side to say our goodbyes.

I hug Daphne and Pansy goodbye, then say goodbye to Blaise and Draco. As much as I love all of them I'm excited to be alone with Theo for two weeks.

After we've all said our goodbyes, Theo and I leave Platform 9 ¾ and exit onto the streets of London. We find a secluded alley a ways away from the station and Theo pulls out his wand. I hold onto our trunks with one hand and hold Theo's hand with the other.

"You ready?" Theo asks.

"Very," I say. I press a quick kiss against Theo's lips and he grins at me.

He waves his wand and we disappear from an alleyway in London with a series of twists and turns.

Seconds later, my feet are back on the ground again and I gather my bearings. We're in another alleyway but this time we're in Amsterdam. Theo takes our luggage once again and heads out onto the sidewalk.

"I would hold your hand but my hands are pretty full," Theo jokes as we start walking down the sidewalk.

To my right, there's a canal running through the city. There are bridges running throughout and the occasional boat in the canal despite the fact that it's not exactly warm. It's significantly warmer than Scotland and slightly warmer than London though.

"Let me carry my trunk then," I say.

"Nope," Theo says. "I'm a gentleman."

"Huh, that's a shame," I say. "Because if you weren't a gentleman then I would let you take me up to our hotel room and fuck me right away."

Theo swallows and looks over at me. "I was just joking," Theo says, trying to backtrack. "I'm not really a gentleman so it would be perfectly fine for us to go up to our hotel room and not leave for a few hours."

"Is that so?" I tease.

Theo just smiles and shakes his head. We walk for a little bit longer before he points out our hotel and we enter the lobby.

Upon first glance, it's a very expressive hotel.

We go right up to the reception desk and Theo checks us in. The receptionist hands us a room key and smiles. "Have a nice stay, Mr. and Mrs. Nott," She says.

My cheeks go slightly pink but we both thank her anyways and go to the elevator.

"I can't believe she thought we were married," I say.

"Hey, don't sound too offended by that," Theo jokes.

"I'm just teasing, love," I say. Theo grabs me by the waist and pulls me in for a kiss just as the elevator dings and the doors open.

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