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TW: Alcohol use

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October 31st, 1997

When Pansy, Daphne, and I get to the boys' dormitory all three of them are already up and getting ready for class. Blaise is sitting on his trunk tying his shoes, Draco is shoving stuff into his bookbag, and Theo is sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Happy birthday," Daphne tells Theo before going to give Blaise a kiss on the cheek.

Pansy smiles, "Happy birthday, you prick."

"Thanks, guys," Theo says, grinning.

I go over towards Theo. "Happy birthday, love," I say, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. Theo pulls me in by the waist and both of us go falling back onto his bed.

"Theo," I laugh.

He wraps his arms around me, keeping me trapped against his body. He peppers my face with kisses before kissing me on the lips. I settle into the kiss, bringing my hand up to cup the side of Theo's jaw. His hand drifts down to my waist and he holds me steady on top of him.

Someone clears their throat, but neither Theo nor I make any move to break apart.

"Let's just go to breakfast then," Daphne says.

Someone opens the dormitory door for the four of them to go to breakfast.

Theo deepens the kiss and flips us over so that he's on top. His body is gently resting on top of mine, one of his legs between mine.

"Bloody hell," Says a very annoyed Draco. I can't see him but I can practically see the unpleasant expression on his face.

Then there's the sound of them leaving the room and the dorm door closing.

I expected Theo to pull away as soon as we were alone, but he doesn't. His hand is on my bare thigh and I'm suddenly very aware of the fact that his leg is pressed right up between mine. I rake my fingers through his hair as Theo shifts his attention to kissing my neck.

"Theo-," I stutter as he starts sucking at a spot on my neck.

"Yes?" He replies, his voice muffled.

My eyes flutter shut as he kisses my neck again. "Everyone's gone, it's just us," I say, forcing myself to open my eyes.

"I know, Alex," He says. "But what kind of fake boyfriend would I be if I didn't leave you at least one love bite?"

Theo rolls off of me and lays on his side in bed. I sit up and run my fingers over my neck. I catch sight of myself in the mirror and see two fresh love bites on my neck, courtesy of Theo. He's watching me in the mirror with a smirk.

"I'd say I did a pretty good job," He says.

I roll my eyes at him. "Va te faire enculer." He just smiles.

"Well, they all think we're shagging," I start, "So I guess we're stuck here for about 15 minutes."

"45," Theo says.

"What?" I ask.

Theo smirks, "I'm very thorough."

I take a pillow and launch it at Theo. He catches it and starts laughing.

"I'm not going to miss breakfast because of you," I say. "Twenty minutes."

"Fine," Theo mutters. "But you can do a lot more in 45 minutes than 20 minutes."

I threaten to push Theo off of his bed and both of us start laughing. Twenty minutes later, we're walking into the Great Hall for breakfast. When we sit down, Pansy takes one look at the marks Theo left before smirking.

Blaise raises an eyebrow. "Good morning then?" He teases.

"Yes," Theo and I reply.

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Since it's a Friday, by the time that my last class ends I'm ready to get started with my weekend. Slytherin is having a party for two reasons: One, it's Theo's 18th birthday. Two, it's Halloween.

Even though Halloween isn't considered an official holiday by the British Ministry, everyone celebrates it. Even stuck-up wizards and witches who believe that muggles and muggleborns are the worst things ever, which is simply not true.

With some reluctance, Daphne, Pansy, and I convinced all of the guys to dress up. We've worn them down over the years so they put up little fight.

Theo suggested that we do a couples costume to "keep appearances up", and with some help from Matthew, we settled on a pretty good costume.

The music is blaring in the common room and I can only hope that the various different silencing spells hold up throughout the night so that no professors come and shut the party down. They definitely know about it but most of the time professors turn a blind eye to the parties. Except for the Carrow twins. They've shut down both a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor party already this year.

I grab a drink with Pansy and she tells me all about her most recent row with Draco and how they're fine now but she's still a bit cross with him.

As we walk back towards the rest of our friends I notice that there's people from all four houses this year, but there's significantly less Gryffindor's present than last year. It makes sense, and I'm not complaining, but it is definitely noticeable.

Daphne and Draco are sitting on a couch and Blaise is sitting in front of Daphne, laying back against her legs. Pansy goes and sits next to Draco, handing him a drink. Theo is seated in the armchair beside the couch, and he waves me over.

I sit in Theo's lap and take a sip of my drink as he rests his hand on my hip.

"What're we talking about?" Pansy asks, making herself comfortable beside Draco.

"The upcoming hols," Blaise answers.

Daphne nods and smiles before turning to Theo and I. "So, Bonnie and Clyde, what're your plans for the break?"

Theo and I exchange and look and I nudge him. It's a bit early to have plans for the Christmas holiday sorted, but we talked about it last week because Theo's dad was up his arse about it already.

"I'm going to Alex's for Christmas Eve, she's coming to mine for Christmas day and boxing day, because of the ball my father throws every year," He explains.

I nod, "And then Theo's back at mine for New Years."

"Ah, the honeymoon phase," Blaise jokes.

Theo flips him off, fighting back a smile.

I finish off my drink and shift slightly in Theo's lap to set my cup aside. At my movement, Theo's grip tightens on my hip. "Cazzo," He says under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear.

I make eye contact with Theo and he drops his head slightly to whisper in my ear. "Stop moving around so much," He says, pulling me to lean back against him.

My cheeks feel hot and I just pray that it isn't noticeable. I stay still, leaning my head back on Theo's shoulder, and both of his arms are wrapped around my middle.

The alcohol is starting to take its effect, and since I've had a few drinks I'm feeling a very good level of tipsy right now.

Draco gets up to get another drink and Pansy goes with him because her cup is empty as well.

Theo starts running his hand through my hair and I focus on that, ignoring everything else in the room.

A few minutes later, the music changes to one of Daphne's favorite songs and she's dragging Blaise up to go dance with her. They push their way into the crowd of people dancing, and I can only still spot them because of their cowboy hats.

"Are you having a good birthday?" I ask Theo, turning my head to look up at him.

Theo smiles, "Yeah, I am." He presses a quick kiss to my cheek. "Want to go dance?"

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