twenty one

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TW Blood

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January 13th, 1998

I get to Dark Arts about ten minutes late. Theo and I skipped lunch and went up to my dormitory and lost track of time. We usually are good about time, but today neither of us remembered to check the time, which is how we both ended up ten minutes late to class.

I quietly open the classroom door, Theo following behind me. Amycus Carrow is facing the front of the room so his back is turned towards us. All of the students have their textbooks out and are silently taking notes on something.

I take my seat next to Pansy while Theo sits down behind me, next to Draco. I glance over at her book and see that we're supposed to be taking notes on concealment charms. I start to take out my book and parchment.

"Mister Nott and Miss Rosier," Professor Carrow says. He turns around and looks at us. "You're late, detention."

"Sorry, Professor," We both mumble.

Carrow glances at Theo and scowls. "And fix your tie, Nott," He says, but it's more of an order than a suggestion.

Theo quickly adjusts his tie and I can feel my face turning pink as the class snickers about it.

He doesn't say anything else before he goes and takes a seat behind his desk. Pansy gives me a look that is somewhere between pity and "I want to know all of the details behind the reason that you're late". I duck my head and start taking notes so that I don't get another detention.

The entire class is completely silent. Every time that there's so much as a whisper, Carrow sends a glare in the direction of the whispering and it stops immediately.

I'm about halfway through the second passage when a folded piece of paper lands in front of me. I quickly glance back at Theo, who is pretending to take notes, and he just nods towards the paper.

I set the paper in my lap so that it's under the table and Carrow won't be able to see it.

Scrawled in Theo's messy cursive, is:

Sorry for being the reason you got detention - T

I shake my head and bite back a smile. I write Theo back and discreetly send the note back to him.

If I remember correctly, I'm the reason that we were late, not you - A

I go back to taking notes or at least attempt to when Theo sends the note back. Pansy sees it and peers over my shoulder to try to read it. I pull it away and mouth 'I'll tell you later' to her.

You're right. It was completely your fault, you seduced me, not the other way around - T

I smile and tuck the small piece of parchment into my bag before I turn my full attention back to class.

Half an hour later, Carrow dismisses us, and I'm out of the door as quickly as possible. Pansy walks beside me while Theo and Draco trail behind us.

"Was it worth being late?" Pansy asks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with a smile. Pansy bumps our shoulders together and tilts her head at me. "Okay, yes it was."

I glance behind me to see Draco saying goodbye and turning down an adjoining corridor. "So what's up with you and Draco then?" I ask.

Theo comes up beside me and drapes his arm over my shoulders.

"We're fighting," Pansy answers. "And I'm not talking to him until he apologizes."

Medicine - T. NottWhere stories live. Discover now