twenty two

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January 31st, 1998

The village of Hogsmeade is covered in a layer of fresh snow that is continuing to flutter down from the sky. There's a brief gust of wind and I shiver.

Theo notices and pulls me closer to him as we walk. He reaches up and pulls my hat down further so that it's covering more of my ears.

"How are you always cold?" He teases.

I shrug and smile at him. "I don't know, maybe I'm just a cold person," I say.

"Yeah, I highly doubt that," Theo says. He dips his head and gives me a very dramatic kiss on the cheek before he's pulling away to open the door to the Three Broomsticks for me.

It's warm inside of the Three Broomsticks, and it's filled with people. The whole atmosphere feels lively and warm despite the freezing weather outside.

I spot Matthew, who's in a booth in the back corner. He's with Sawyer, the boy from Ravenclaw, and the two of them are sitting close and talking with their heads bowed. They're both smiling and grinning like idiots.

"I'll go get us some drinks," Theo says.

I find an empty booth and sit down while waiting for Theo. I take off my coat and hat and look around at everyone else who's in the crowded pub. None of my other friends are here. Daphne and Blaise are back at the castle being incredibly domestic, and Draco and Pansy are in a fight so neither of them were anywhere to be seen when we left for Hogsmeade.

Theo comes back with two butterbeers and he takes a seat beside me in the booth. He takes off his coat and hat and smiles at me.

I take a sip of my butterbeer and let Theo wrap his arm around my shoulders and pull us closer together.

"So, did you submit your application for Healer training yet?" Theo asks.

I nod, "Yeah, I sent it in on Thursday. I won't find out for another six weeks though, so the middle of March."

"You're going to get in," Theo says, not a hint of doubt in his voice.

I knock our knees together underneath the table. "Don't jinx it, you idiot," I joke.

"I'm not going to jinx it, I'm just simply stating my opinion on the matter," He laughs.

"You're ridiculous," I say.

Theo rolls his eyes and leans in closer to me. "God, I love it when you're mean to me," He says. I can smell his eucalyptus shampoo and expensive cologne since our noses are only a few inches apart now.

"Really? That's what gets you going?" I tease. "Are you a masochist or something?"

"Want to find out?" Theo says.

I backhand Theo in the arm and he laughs, getting even closer to me until his lips are brushing against mine.

"Well, I'm not opposed to it," I whisper, my lips ghosting over Theo's.

He leans forward and kisses me. I cup Theo's face with my hand while he grabs hold of my waist. Theo parts his lips slightly and I deepen the kiss, which has him holding onto me tighter.

I pull back and Theo chases my lips with his. "That's enough for now," I say. Theo stares at me like he's ready to take me into the bathroom and rail me against the wall.

I take another sip of my butterbeer while Theo continues to stare at me shamelessly.

"Alex," Theo whispers, his voice sounding whiny.

"Theo," I reply, mimicking him. We both stare at each other for a minute and I have to pretend like his searing gaze has no effect on me whatsoever even though I would let him do whatever he wants with me right about now.

His gaze drifts over my shoulder and Theo tears his eyes away from mine and clears his throat. I tilt my head to the side to see Draco approaching us. I roll my eyes and move closer to Theo to make room for Draco to sit down because that is so clearly his intent.

Draco sits down beside me and groans. "Bloody hell, you would not believe the morning I just had," He says. Draco grabs my butterbeer and downs over half of it before setting it back down on the table. "I need something stronger than this."

Theo leans forward to look at Draco. "You alright, mate?" He asks.

"Pansy and I broke up," Draco says.

I gap at Draco for a second before responding. "You broke up?" I repeat.

"Yeah, about thirty minutes ago actually," Draco explains. "She said I 'don't appreciate her enough', and that I'm 'bad at communicating'."

"Sorry about that," Theo says, sounding like he's not quite sure what to say right now. "You know what, I'll go get you some firewhiskey." Before either of us can respond, Theo gets up from the booth and goes over to the bar to order Draco something stronger.

I stare at Draco. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Why would I want to talk to you about it, Rosier?" He says defensively.

"Fine, you can be mean to me all you want but I know that you're just deflecting," I say sternly.

Draco frowns, "Right, sorry.  Just don't tell Pansy."

"I'm not going to tell Pansy," I say. "I wouldn't tell you what she says about you either, so don't even ask."

Draco nods and drinks more of my butterbeer.

"Now why can't you apologize to her and just get back together like you always do?" I ask.

"She said 'don't even try to apologize because you're such a liar and I'm done putting up with it'," Draco says. "Her exact words."

I frown, "Yikes."

Theo comes back with a new butterbeer for me and a double shot of firewhiskey for Draco. He downs the shot while I take a sip of my drink.

Draco looks between Theo and me. "Did I interrupt something?" He asks.


"Yes," Theo says. I elbow him in the side and Theo grimaces slightly. "But it's okay, we're here for you mate."

Draco looks slightly startled at his response then he's shaking his head. "She's got you so whipped," He teases.

Theo looks at me and smiles. "Yeah, maybe a little bit," He says.

We talk with Draco for a bit longer before he decides that he wants to back to the castle and get properly drunk. So all three of us head back to the castle but Draco is walking quite a bit in front of us, noticeably sulking.

"At least I don't have to worry about you acting like that when we 'breakup'," I joke to Theo.

His posture tenses and Theo's face briefly falters, just long enough that I question if it was just a figment of my imagination.

Theo coughs, "Yeah, don't worry I can handle it."

"I didn't mean-"

"No, it's okay," Theo says. "You're right. We will 'breakup' someday." He looks over at me and gives me a weak smile. "Maybe I can use it as an excuse to get blackout."

My face falters. "Theo," I say.

"I'm just teasing, Alex," He says. Theo pulls me closer to him and presses a kiss against the side of my head.

We're both silent for the rest of the walk back to the castle.

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