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Note: For the purpose of this chapter, let's pretend that they didn't learn about Thestrals in fifth year.

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October 15th, 1997

"Merlin, it's freezing," I mutter, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Theo takes his wand out and casts a warming charm around us. I'm instantly blocked from the wind and the cold weather that seemed to happen over night. "Is that better?" He asks.

"Much better," I respond. "Thank you." I reach up and pull Theo's beanie down further so that it covers more of his ears, which are pink from the cold.

He gives me a lopsided grin and bumps our arms together as we walk towards Hagrid's hut for Care of Magical Creatures. This is one of the other classes we have where it's just the two of us. Daphne, Blaise, Draco, and Pansy all dropped the class after their O.W.L.'s.

When we reach Hagrid's hut, there's double the amount of students than there should be. I spot my brother, Matthew, among them and wave him over.

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

"Someone in the Herbology class got their finger bitten off by a fanged geranium, so Professor Sprout canceled class and sent us here instead while she deals with the kid with 9 fingers," Matt explains.

Theo laughs from beside me.

"Well, that's just lovely," I joke, making Matthew smile.

Hagrid clears his throat and everyone turns to pay attention. "Alright, since Professor Sprout's class is joining us for the day we're doing to do a lesson-"

Various people groan.

"-In the Forbidden Forest," Hagrid continues. "So, if you'll all follow me."

"Matt," Someone calls. I turn to see that it's Sawyer, who's waving Matt back over. My brother blushes slightly and smiles before returning to walk beside Sawyer.

They follow after Hagrid, their hands brushing together in a way that is anything but platonic. Theo sighs, "Ah, young love."

I shake my head at Theo and link my arm through his as we follow after everyone else. We're trailing behind everyone, the warming charm still shielding us from the cold.

"Have you ever been in love?" I ask simply out of boredom.

"Yes," Theo deadpans.

I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head to look up at him. "Yeah?" I say. "With who?"

"You, obviously," Theo says.

I roll my eyes and smack Theo slightly in the arm, making him laugh. "I'm being serious," I say, trying not to laugh.

"Who says I'm not being serious?" Theo retorts with a smirk.

"You're such a dick," I mutter trying to fight the smile that's threatening to expose me.

We're nearing a group of fifth year Ravenclaw girls who can definitely overhear our conversation now. It's quite obvious that they're eavesdropping and Theo glances ahead at them before turning back to me.

He grins, "Last I checked, you only had wonderful things to say about my di-"

I clamp my hand over Theo's mouth to get him to stop talking and he licks the palm of my hand, making me yank my hand back. However, the group of girls had already heard and erupted into a fit of giggles and whispers.

"So, your birthday's coming up," I say.

"Oh, is it?" Theo teases.

"It is," I say, mocking his tone. "That means that you have to tell me what you want for your birthday."

Theo smiles. "Alex, you don't have to get me anything."

"Theo, I always get you something," I argue.

"I'll be happy with anything," Theo says honestly.

I frown, "Well, that doesn't make it any easier for me."

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. Theo leans down and kisses me on the cheek. "I'm sure you'll figure something out, you always do."

We reach the edge of the Forbidden Forest and there's a chill that comes over me, despite the warming charm that is still in effect. Theo and I follow Hagrid and the others until we reach an empty clearing in the forest.

Theo inhales sharply, his eyes flicking towards the middle of the clearing.

"What is it?" I ask, looking at the empty clearing.

"Here we have a few Thestrals," Hagrid announces. "I know some of you have already learned about them, but they are important for your N.E.W.T.'s."

A fifth year from the Herbology class raises her hand.

"Professor, there's nothing there," She says.

Hagrid goes over towards where Theo is looking. He slowly rests his hand in thin air and starts stroking. "Can anyone tell me why not everyone can see Thestrals?" He asks.

Neville Longbottom raises his hand. "The only people who can see Thestrals are people who have seen death," He answers.

"That's right, Mister Longbottom. Five points to Gryffindor," Hagrid says.

I glance up at Theo. He has an odd expression on his face and he's staring over at Hagrid and where the Thestrals are presumably standing. He's watching them intently.

"There's a mum and two babies," Theo tells me. "They're so little."

I follow his gaze but still see nothing. I wish I could see them, but I also hope that I'm never able to see them.

"Come on, they're friendly," Hagrid announces. "You can pet them, even if you can't see them."

A few students step up and after some guidance from Hagrid, they start petting the Thestrals. Their faces light up once they actually touch the creatures.

I've read a bit about Thestrals but I've never actually learned about them.

People take turns petting the creatures for a bit before Hagrid starts leading all of us out of the clearing. "We'll learn about them in class tomorrow, the beautiful creatures. But I wanted you lot to meet them first," He announces, starting to ramble off something about being done with class early.

I look at Theo and he stays silent. His hand drops from my arm and he intertwines our fingers together as we start walking back to the castle.

Once there's a good enough distance between us and everyone else, Theo sighs.

"It's because of my mum," He says. "That's why I could see the Thestrals."

"Oh," I say, flickering my eyes over to him.

Theo tightens his grip on my hand and starts absentmindedly brushing his thumb against my hand. "It makes sense, but I didn't even think about it because I was literally a minute old when she died," He continues.

Theo's mother, Katerina, died giving birth to Theo. Theo thinks his dad blames him for it. I think Theo blames himself for it sometimes. So Theo's gone his whole life with only one parent, just like me.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

Theo nods, "Yeah, I'm okay. I just wasn't expecting to see the Thestrals is all."

Before I can say anything else, Theo turns to face me and starts walking backwards as we start nearing the castle. "So class is done early and I know for a fact Draco has a free period, want to go mess with him?"

I grin, "Obviously, let's go."

Theo drags me into the castle to go find Draco and I try to ignore the complete look of sadness that briefly flashed over his face when he realized that the only reason he could see the Thestrals was because of his dead mother.

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