Chapter seventeen

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  • Dedicated to Cynthia

 Tony took in a quick breath as he opened the door, eyes falling on the tall, blond, handsome, super soldier, Steve Rogers. He smiled at him, and stepped out of his room. "So, you ready to go?" the smaller man asked, and the blond nodded. "I've been ready, but I didn't want to come too early. I know you like to be 'fashionably late'." He teased. Tony smirked, and gave the soldier a small shove. "You know me too well." He laughed. Steve laughed with him, and they took the elevator down to the lobby, taking a cab to The Silver Celtics.

 Both men were silent for most of the ride, but it wasn't an uncomfortable one. They didn't mind, it was something they had gotten used to. They finally arrived at the bar, and already the place was packed with other people. "Only nine, and people are already getting drunk." Steve chuckled. "My kind of people." Tony laughed, and they headed inside. It was an older crowd, Tony recognized a few people, giving them a small wave. Steve spotted Ashley, but they simply avoided looking at each other for the duration of the evening.

 "We're not going to have a repeat of last time are we?" Steve asked as they sat down. "Oh come on, you know you enjoyed carrying me." Tony laughed. "Oh yeah, because carrying a blind drunk man up twelve flights of stairs is just my idea of fun." The soldier said, rolling his eyes and laughing. "Hey, you're the one who decided to take the stairs, and let me just say, it wasn't much fun for me either. You may be ripped, but that doesn't mean you're soft." The brunette muttered, remembering the pain in his hips that he felt the next day.

 "And just because you're small doesn't mean you're light!" Steve retorted, "I'm a freaking super soldier and I got tired!" "Really? Is that why you passed out in my bed? Or were you just hoping to get lucky?" The brunette asked, cocking an eyebrow and smirking. The blond laughed, almost falling out of his chair, had it not been for Tony quickly grabbing his hand, and preventing him from falling back. "Hey, you have to have a few drinks before you can start falling out of chairs."

 He pulled the man back up, laughing. "Thanks," Steve said, smiling. They let go of one another's hand, and Tony got up to order them some drinks from the bar. The soldier sighed, leaning back a bit. He licked his lips, suddenly nervous. Tonight. You're going to tell him tonight. He decided, and watched as Tony got them a few drinks. He came back with two shots, and Steve shook his head. "Oh come on, you gotta do em." The brunette laughed, and handed one to the other man. "Fine, but just one." He said, and they toasted, before downing the burning liquid.


 "That your boyfriend over there?" Dianne, the owner of the bar asked. She was an Irish woman, and she nodded towards Steve as she poured the fifth round of drinks for Tony. The brunette opened his mouth to correct her, but then quickly shut it. "I saw you two over there, he's a good one." She said, smiling. "He makes you smile, I've only seen you a few times, but I can tell that when you laugh, it's real." Tony looked down at the counter and smiled. "Have fun tonight you two." She gave the man a wink as she handed him his drinks. "Thanks, we will." A fight broke out in the corner of the bar, and all eyes turned to see who it was between.

 "I said get up, and fight me! You think you're so tough, let's see what you got!" a man taunted, giving Steve a small shove to the shoulder. The soldier stood, eyes burning. "Listen, I'm not going to fight you. I'm here with a friend of mine, and we just want to have a good time alright?" He growled, and the man smirked, obviously drunk. "Ooooooh, he just wants to have a good time!" The man said, loud enough for the whole bar to hear. "Well, what do you say we give these people a show? Make it a good time for everyone?" Steve took in a breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Look buddy, I don't want any trouble alright? Now why don't you just go sit back down, and we can just enjoy ourselves?" He offered, but the stupid drunk didn't know when to quit.

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