💜I Love You

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Future!Donnie x Reader
Fluff / Angst

The silence was deafening. The water dripping from the pipes echoed in the lair. You and Donnie were the only ones home at the moment, but there were no noises. Not a peep, not a whisper, nothing.

Donnie has been reclused in his lab for the past 6 weeks. Last time you spoke to him, he said he was starting to become depressed again, like he was reliving the events of the shredder.

This confused you. Why the shredder? What about the Krang? You dare to question it, though. Nobody ever talks about the shredder like they do the Krang. Maybe it was a lot worse. How would you know? You weren't born until 5 years after the Krang situation happened.

You were nothing but the love of his life, his comfort, the one thing he could truly call his. But now, you're not so sure. Not only has he not come out of his room, but he also hasn't called or texted you.

A stabbing sensation sliced through your heart like a knife knowing that he hasn't spoken to you. Normally, when he's upset like this, you'd wait a day or two and then try to talk to him about it, he'd give in and tell you everything. But this time, he has completely shut you out.

You decide to enough was enough. You need Donnie and Donnie needs you, and that's final. You march your little 5'1 self to Donnie's lab and aggressively swing the door open, ready to make a scene.

But then, your heart pangs, tears begin to form in your eyes. What you saw before you struck a blow to your heart so hard, it shattered into a million pieces.

Your watery eyes scanned the room. His armor scattered everywhere, a battle shell broken in two lies on the ground, dozens of empty liquor bottles littered the floor, and there, in the corner, Donnie. Lying facedown on the floor, another liquor bottle in his hand, halfway gone.

"Oh my goodness, my love! What have you done?" You whisper to your self as you rush to his aid.

You shake him gently, shouting, "Donnie! Donnie, wake up!" No response. You shake him a bit harder, and shout a little louder, "D, wake up!" His eyes flutter, and he looks at you. He smiles.

You smile back, tears falling down your face. He sits up slowly, his hand resting on his head as if his brain is pounding against his skull. Which it was.

"D, what happened in here?" You ask, watching as your lover rises to his feet, reaches for your hand and helps you up.

He sighs. He sits you down and starts telling you about the events of the shredder. Nobody had ever told you in full detail about what happened, until now.

"And after she died, I swore to myself I'd never think about that year again. Until recently. What time I've been with you, I couldn't help but to think... what if he comes back? What if he hurts you like he hurt her? That why I've been in here. My mind is overflowing with thoughts and it's killing me with every neuron that fires in my brain. I'm sorry I've been a recluse, I just.. didn't want you to see me like this."

Your heart broke for the second time that night. You were at a loss for words.

So instead, you got up from your seat, took his hand, lead him to the bedroom, and laid with him in the bed. His arm curls around your waist, and your arm snakes around his neck while the other rests on his plastron.

"Donatello, let me tell you something. You don't ever have to worry about me. I'm not going anywhere. As long as I'm here with you, I'm your arms, I know I'm safe."

"I love you, y/n," he says, a soft smile on his face.

He kisses your cheek, then your lips.

"I love you," he repeats.

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