🧡Not-So-Secret Admirer

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Mikey x Reader

For the last year and a half, you've been getting love letters from a secret admirer. It started since you moved in with the guys and Splinter, after your family moved away to California. You refused to go with them, as New York was your home.

The letters were sweet and beautiful, almost like poetry. You had no idea who was writing them, until you caught him one night.

You were in the kitchen at around 3am, looking for something to snack on. You heard someone's door open, so you hid under the counter to try to scare them. You recognized who it was because they were singing quietly. It was Mikey, and he was singing a love song. You got curious as to why he was singing this so late at night, so you followed him quietly.

He went to your bedroom door and slid a piece of paper underneath. You sat and waited until you heard his door shut, and ran back to your room. It was one of the love letters. Mikey was your secret admirer! It all makes sense. I mean, none of the other guys are romantic like that, not even Leo.

You opened the letter and it read:

"Dearest y/n,

I'm writing this and leaving it where you'll find it. It's not that I wouldn't like you to know who your secret admirer is, it's just that I'm really, really shy. I'm also afraid that if I tell you who I am, you'll reject me or laugh at me. So for now, I'd just like to admire you from afar. Admiring you isn't hard to do. You're the most beautiful girl I know and no one in New York can hold a candle to you.

You're the bright spot in my day, y/n. I think I could almost say that I love you. Yes! I will say it. But I'm still not brave enough to tell you. Maybe, after I've worked up the courage, I'll ask you out.

If I could tell you who I was, I'd be able to tell you all the things I love about you. I love the way you ramble on even when other people don't listen. I love the way the light shines on your h/c hair and the way your clothes are always so messy. You're perfect and I'd love to be the lucky guy who wins your love. If only I had the courage to tell you how I feel, my angelcakes.

Until then, I'll just have to stay,
Your Secret Admirer"

You've been crushing on Mikey for a couple months now, so you were thrilled to find out that he likes you too. You decide you'll confront him about it tomorrow at movie night, because the two of you are the only ones who still participate.

Movie night...

"Hey, Mikey," you say as you walk into the living room. "Hey, y/n! We're gonna watch Doctor Strange tonight," he smiled. You and Mikey love Marvel movies, and every now and then you'll rewatch a movie. "Sounds good! I'll go make popcorn." You head into the kitchen and grab the microwave popcorn out of the cabinet. 'I'll just show him the letter... and tell him I feel the same. Simple,' you thought. "I've got the movie ready," he yelled. "Comin'!"

You ran into the living room and flipped onto the couch. Mikey hit play and the movie began. When it got to Mikey's least favorite part, the car crash scene, you decided to mention the letter. "M-Mikey, can I ask you something?" you asked nervously. "Mhm~" he hummed with a mouthful of popcorn. "I just wanna know if you were the one who wrote this," you said, pulling out the letter. Mikey started to choke on his popcorn, and you patted his back. "Damn, Mike, are you okay?" you asked worriedly. "Y-Yeah I'm okay..." he said, more bashful than usual.

"So.. did you write this?" you asked. "Yeah.. I did," he replied, fiddling with his thumbs. You took his hand in yours, and used your other to pull his face back towards you. "Look at me, Mike. I like you, too. These are the nicest letters I've ever read. You're so sweet," you smiled. "Aw geez.. I really like you, y/n. You're so beautiful, funny and wonderful to be around," he admitted, his face a gleaming shade of red.

"Your letters are beautiful. Reading them every night made me fall in love with the secret author.. and that secret author just so happens to be the turtle I've been crushing on for a while," his eyes gleamed with excitement, and his smile grew huge. "I love you, y/n! I have for years, and I'm so happy you feel the same," he said. Before you could say another word, he grabbed you by the hands and pulled you into his lap, hugging you tight. You're lying on top of him, listening to his heartbeat. You wrap your arms around him, and continue to watch the movie. His hands draw sweet small circles on your shoulder, giving you chills.

You suddenly sat up, receiving a confused and sad look from Mikey. He sat up with you, giving you a pouty face. This made you smile, which confused him more. Your legs were entangled with his, your arms around his neck. Your face was inches away from his. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" you asked with a sweet smile. "N-No, I haven't," he sighed. He seemed ashamed of that, so you cupped his cheek with your palm and played with the tails of his mask with your other hand. "It's okay if you haven't. I haven't either," you smiled, moving your face closer to his. "C-Can I kiss you, y/n?" he asked timidly, looking at your lips. "Of course.. I want my first to be you," you said. "Me too.." he replied.

He looked at your lips and back to your eyes. He hooked his arm around your waist and cupped your cheek with his palm, pulling you closer to him. Your lips are tantalizingly close, your heart yearning you to lean in. Your heart pounds in your chest, and you can feel his doing the same. You close your eyes, and crash your lips into his. His kiss is soft and sweet, just like him. You pull away from each other, locking eyes with each other. "I love you, Mike," you whispered. "I love you more, angelcakes," he replied.

He kissed you again, and again, and again. He couldn't get enough of you, and you couldn't get enough of him. "This is probably a stupid question, but will you be my girlfriend, y/n?" he asked. "Duh," you said. "So, let's watch the rest of this movie," he added. "Yes, please!"

From that point on, you and Mikey became the power couple of New York. At least that's what Leo calls you two. You couldn't be happier. You have the sweetest boyfriend in the world.

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