Dear Penn

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Dear Penn,

I will never know where I went so wrong, that I lost everything. I will never know why I deserved it. Why I was the last person you'd talk to. Why I became the person asking everyone if you were okay, never knowing. When I lost all hope of being the person who made you happy. Penn, I'm sorry. My whole life, I never got mad at anyone, I was never allowed to. But I'm mad at you.

I'm mad at you because everyone suddenly everyone else knew you better and I felt like I was barely even a footnote. I'm mad at you because you were everyone's Parth, but not mine anymore. I'm mad at you because I loved you more than anyone else could or will and you refused to accept it. You thought everyone loved you more than me, that you could trust everyone but me. I'm mad at you because you made me feel like I was the shittiest best friend, like I'd never been there for you. I'm so, so mad at you for not seeing how much you mean to me. For telling me I'm the one you love when I felt like I was a mere annoyance. 

But please be happy Penn. I know it's not me who makes you happy anymore. And nothing has ever hurt this much. I'm sorry the pain became too much, and I left. But I had to. I'm sorry...

You deserve the world Penn, but I know now I would never be enough. Wherever I end up, know I will love you still. For as long as existence is real, I shall love you.

Love always


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