Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: This is your friendly reminder that this IS a fan fiction and characters will be slightly or majorly OOC if necessary to fit the plot of the story. Don't be shocked.


Once we were upstairs, Yata walked me to the door at the end of the hall. He opened it and flipped the light on. "Is this your room?"

"No-" A loud scream from downstairs interrupted his explanation. My stomach turned and flipped. I felt like I was going to be sick. It wasn't fear, but a scream of pain. 

"Stay in here. Okay?" He closed the door behind me and I heard him walk back down the hall and then down the stairs. He wasn't running but it was at least a hustling pace.

Were they going to torture this guy?

I shivered as I sat on the large, four poster bed. It had to be at least a king size. I looked around the room and took note of how clean everything was. There was no way that this was Yata's room, but maybe Mikoto's. I sat there on the bed for a long time and it had become eerily quiet downstairs. I decided I had waited long enough, so I slowly opened the bedroom door and poked my head out into the hallway.

I could hear voices coming from the staircase.

I recognized a few of them but then there was one or two I didn't.

"She's upstairs. You're not talking to her, forget it. She's already terrified."  That was Mikoto's voice, definitely.

"It can wait. We'll decide what to do with him and I'll be in touch later on. I'm not entirely convinced this is an isolated event as you say." That was a voice I didn't recognize. I opened the bedroom door wider in an attempt to eavesdrop better.

"This has nothing to do with my clan, I already explained that." I definitely had never heard that irritated voice before. I was fighting the urge to try and steal a look down the stairs.

"So it's a coincidence that both attempts came from two members of your clan?" That sounded like Mikoto again, and he was angry.

"I can't control what members of my clan do in their spare time. I thought there was no attempt on her life this time?"

"He came in here and threatened to kill her..!" I winced. His voice was louder that time but I could tell he was trying to keep it under control. Whoever was down there, Mikoto didn't want me to hear them.

"Is she a member of HOMRA?"

"She's a civilian."

"Then why do you care, Suoh? Civilian protection falls under Septer four. It seems to me that you're out looking for problems to take on."

"You little bastard, do you have even the slightest idea of where you're standing right now?!" I could've sworn I felt the ground shake beneath the bar. I held tightly to the door and swallowed hard.

"Alright, enough. Fighting each other isn't going to fix the issue. Nagare, she may not be a member of HOMRA but she is like family to Suoh, please do not take that lightly or insult him. Suoh, if the green does not acknowledge the behavior of the members who accept mercenary positions in their private life, than that is all he can do. Not all clans are run the same as you run yours."

The room was quiet again before the owner of the second foreign voice spoke once again, "I can assure you, Suoh, you have nothing to worry about as far as the green's involvement. I don't even know who this girl is, or her family. I would not condone the murder of a civilian. This was an event isolated from my clan that I had no control over and nothing to do with."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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