Chapter Nine

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The silence between us was more than awkward. Yata didn't seem outright angry but I could clearly see he was bothered. Did he think I was making light of the situation at hand? Because I definitely was not.  Thankfully, no one was there to notice except Mikoto and that was audience enough.

I munched on my food and watched across the room as Yata, very annoyed, scrolled through his phone. He even looked up at me a few times as if my presence was bothering him. Very few times had I experienced Yata's irked side and none of those times had ever actually been aimed directly at me.

Mikoto was laid back on the opposite couch with his feet propped up. His eyes were closed and there was a lit cigarette between his lips. He really was as tired as he looked. I could tell he was asleep.

I quietly stood up and made my way over to him. Yata was watching my every movement, I could feel his eyes on me. I carefully plucked the cigarette from between the red kings lips and put it out in the ash tray next to the couch. He looked like an angel when he didn't have a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"He sleeps like that, ya know?"

"With a cigarette in his mouth?"

"Pretty much. I know it's a bad habit but sometimes I wonder if it helps his nerves.." I nodded and replied lowly, "It probably does. I can't imagine his job is easy... and I'm not making it any easier right now. We probably wouldn't be here if the bar hadn't blown up."

"That wasn't your fault.."

"I know... but I still feel bad. Look how tired he is. Has it always been like this?" I brushed a strand of hair from his face as Yata confirmed my suspicions. "I don't think he sleeps all that great at night."

"Yeah, he told me that much himself ..but I mean, stressed out. Does he stay stressed out all the time?"

"What makes you think he's stressed out?"

"Well look at him. He's dark under his eyes and he just...feels stressed."

"Feels?" Yata arched a brow and I clarified, "You can't feel it when you're around him? I guess it could be just me but I feel high levels of stress coming from him almost all the time. Even though he never says anything, he doesn't have to."

"Are you an empath or something?"

"I don't know."

"Well that shit doesn't sound healthy." I couldn't stifle the little bit of laughter that escaped, "Story of my life, Yata."

It was quiet for a few minutes, long enough for me to grab a blanket that had been carelessly thrown over the back of one of the couches and cover the object of my affections with it. He could get a nap in before we talked about the day..

"Are you babying the Red King? Seriously?"

"I'm not babying him.. he just needs a nap. I mean look at him."

"Tch." I could practically hear Yata roll his eyes at me, "Yeah, look at him.." Just as I was preparing to return to my place on the couch, I heard a low vibrating sound. It sounded like it was muffled in one of the couches. "That's his phone, wake him up."

"Can't he call them back?"

"What if I hadn't answered the phone when you called?" He replied in reference to the incident just the night before, as he stood up and smacked Mikoto's leg. "Hey, your phone.." Mikoto didn't even open his eyes when he slid his hand in his pocket and pulled the phone up to his ear. He yawned before he answered with a "Yeah?" I could tell he wasn't completely awake by any means. It was a short conversation and when he was done he opened his eyes and looked around the room.

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