Chapter Eleven

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I was wiping the new bar down, preparing to open up. It was the first night of opening since the place had been repaired. Izumo was in the back counting inventory and little Anna was sitting on the brand new couch across the way from me.  I took in the sight of the newly remodeled bar and admired the fresh design that Izumo took the opportunity to implement.

Mikoto was still staying with me, he had yet to move back upstairs but I knew tonight he would be packing his stuff up to prepare for it. Of course I didn't want him to go but I would still help him.

I leaned on the counter and stared down at my hands as I tossed a cleaning rag back and forth between them. The front door of the bar opened up and in walked Yata. Izumo sent him out to pick up some stuff for tonight's celebration.

He had an excited grin on his face as he placed his purchased items on the bar in front of me. "You ready for this crazy ass party?"

"There will be no crazy ass party." I heard Izumo call from the back and Yata rolled his eyes and continued.

"Don't listen to him. I'm gonna get you so drunk tonight you'll puke for 3 days."

"That does not sound appealing."

"It'll be great, trust me." I rolled my eyes and continued with helping Izumo reorganize the bar. Mikoto was helping carry tables and chairs into the dining area. I would steal little glances here and there, just to see him lifting tables by himself and moving them around the room.  I caught him helping the moving crew haul a bed frame upstairs earlier and I thought I was going to fall out from a nosebleed. 

"Trust you with what?" His voice interrupted my ...observation and I shook my head to snap myself out of it. Thankfully he hadn't been paying attention. His eyes were on Yata, suspiciously might I add.

"I'm gonna get y/n drunk tonight at the party. So she'll have some fun, ya know?"


Yata and I were both shocked and spoke in unison. "No?"

"I'm not getting drunk tonight?" I continued. Who did this man think he was? Surely not my boss.

"You're not running around here getting drunk with a bunch of guys."

"It's just Misaki.. "

"It's not.." He gave Yata a knowing look. "He's invited a bunch of guys over to drink with us and I only trust one of them enough to have you drunk around them."

"What kind of drunk do you think I am?" I was insulted, or at least trying to be, and he could hear it in my voice.

"It's not about you. You could be a knock out drunk, I don't care about that. It's about them, think about it. A bunch of drunk guys goofing off around here and you in the middle of all of them?" He was raising his voice a little. He wasn't really yelling but his tone was a little higher than usual. "I blink and your drunk ass is gone which means I'll have to hunt one of those little shit bags down and kick his ass."

"So I'm not allowed to drink?" I crossed my arms over my chest. He dropped a very heavy table on the floor and sighed in frustration. "I didn't say that. Do what you want tonight. He's just not getting you drunk around a bunch of scumbags who've got nothing on their mind but booze and getting laid every time they're around someone of the opposite sex." At this point, everyone in the bar was peeking around a corner to find out what was going on. "So no, I'm not telling you what you can and can't do . I'm telling him what he can and can't do."  I stared at him for a moment as he gave Yata a look to make sure he understood the message.

Yata put his hands up and shrugged, "I get it. I'll keep them away from her." I huffed and tossed my cleaning rag on the bar before walking back into the kitchen. I just wanted him out of my face for a moment. I understood why he was worried but I still felt like he was trying to tell me what to do. I was annoyed.

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