Chapter Eight

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A/N: Please forgive my absence, I went to a gathering with a close friend and contracted COVID. I've worked through this pandemic from the start as a healthcare professional and have been fortunate enough not to have any run-ins with it until now. We're on the up and up, however. Hope this finds you all well. 

*The plot of this fic, and most of my others fics, have been altered to cater to the needs/demands of my story telling. Please do not rely on any of my fics for accuracy. Some characters will be ooc as well, do not be shocked.* -- There is slight fluff in this chapter. Don't come for me. 

Mikoto's POV


I woke up with a familiar weight on my chest. It was late in the evening, I could feel it. This was the first time in a long time I'd slept for more than five hours. I didn't miss the headache that came with it. I opened my eyes and the room was dark around me. I could make out a sliver of light coming from the bathroom. This was my least favorite place to sleep, no matter how many curtains I hung up I couldn't keep the daylight out.

I turned my head to the right and glanced down toward my feet. My view was obstructed by a ball of messy h/c hair. Her cheek was against my chest and she had just a tiny bit of drool on her chin. She was laying flat against me, with her legs curled up around mine.

I turned to my left and found my phone sitting on the small table next to the bed. I was careful not to wake her up as I reached for it and tapped the screen. It was 3pm and she usually didn't wake up until six or seven. I wanted to stay under her but I physically couldn't and I had to piss. Maybe I would come back for a little nap...

I couldn't.

I had too much shit to do today. I gently wrapped one arm around her and used my body to slowly slide her to the right and lay her on a mound of soft pillows. She groaned a little, which made it even harder to let go of her. I hadn't fallen asleep until 7am and I spent every minute I had awake holding onto her while she slept. I even watched some tv and got to relax a little, and I needed that after last night. For the first time in a really long time I was scared. It had been a while since I had come close to losing someone close to me like Yata, and I was freaking out over that but I couldn't even think about anything happening to her.

I slowly and quietly got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. My head was pounding..

I need a cigarette.

I took a deep breath and closed the bathroom door behind me. I had to get ready and meet Munakata later, we had more to talk about. The gathering we had last night went sour because I let my temper get out of hand. Honestly though, he deserved it.

Hisui Nagare.

Hearing his name made my blood boil. I wanted nothing more than to shut his bitchy mouth. I was getting sick of playing by Munakata's rules and the only reason I was doing so in the first place was because in the beginning I had my own questions and doubts. Things were different now.

Dropout (Mikoto Suoh x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora