Chapter One

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It was my first year at Shizume's newest, top University. Full of nothing less than nationally renowned professors and some of the world's latest and most refined technology. Only the most gifted or wealthy were granted acceptance to this University. My family was on the wealthy side, there was nothing special or gifted about me. Despite the humiliation of my classmates knowing that simple fact about me, I had the opportunity for the best education experience of my lifetime. Things don't always turn out the way we think they should.

I stood in the ashes of what was once my silver lined opportunity to be something in this world. All the bells had stopped ringing, because there was nothing left to alarm anyone of the, seemingly, spontaneous combustion of our beloved learning institution. I stood there, with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders and a fireman pulling me back toward an awaiting ambulance.

I watched.

While the paramedics assessed my vitals and strapped a simple mask over my mouth and nose.

Take deep breaths. Breathe.

I couldn't. They were carrying out the bodies of my classmates.


I recognized a corpse. A charred metal bracelet clung to her wrist as two firemen hoisted her onto a gurney and wrapped her in a plastic bag for the coroner.

I went to middle school with her. She was always so kind, and now look at her. A mangled, charred lump of flesh.

"Ma'am, you need to BREATHE."

It was as if I'd opened my eyes for the first time. There was a man holding a mask on my face and I couldn't move my arms or legs.

"That's it, come on. Breathe."

My lungs felt as if they were boiling from the inside out. I didn't want to breathe anymore. I fell asleep after that, for a very long time.


"Hey there, good morning!" An energetic nurse pulled back the curtains of my hospital room. I winced at the invasion of light and attempted to shield my eyes.

"Guess who gets to go home today!" I smiled. It was fake. There was nothing to go home to. My parents hadn't come to see once during my three week stay in the hospital. They were probably embarrassed. After all, it was all my fault.

Once the doctor officially discharged me, I left the hospital with the belongings I had when I went to class on that day. I managed to charge my cell phone before leaving and checked all of my bank accounts as I crossed the street in front of the hospital. My parents hadn't touched my account, thankfully. I had money put back from working part time and what my grandparents had willed to me in death.

First things first, food. I found a restaurant and had my first bite of what tasted like real food. My next task was to find a place to stay. Maybe an apartment close to the center of Shizume, and then I would need a job.

I scoured the city for vacant apartment building and possible places of employment. Finding employment could wait a few days if it had to, but a place to stay couldn't. Not only that, I really needed a shower and some fresh clothes because hospital soap just wasn't good enough.

I found a lower priced apartment building, where a small bald man was willing to rent me a room on the spot without having to do any background checks. He handed me the keys after I laid down my deposit and then I turned around set out to find a clothing store. I had to hurry because it was starting to get dark and I didn't want to be walking the streets by myself, especially not on this side of town.

I dropped all my bags in the small kitchen floor and scoped out my new apartment. I wasn't bad for the price, even though it was small. The kitchen and living room were connected and the only other rooms were the wash room and my bedroom. There was a tiny futon in the living room that I crashed on after I took a long shower with the things I had bought while clothes shopping.

It was easy to fall asleep in the dark, quiet apartment after having listened to the screaming of IV poles for the last three week. I welcomed the calmness that came with the feeling of loneliness.


The next day I was refreshed and ready to go. I fixed my (hair/make-up/both) and set out to search the city for a source of employment. I kept my hands in my pockets and tried my best to walk on the less congested side of the street. I didn't want to accidently hurt someone. As I came around the corner, about three blocks down from my apartment, there was a building that resembled a bar. If I wanted to apply there I would have to swing by closer to night time...

I sighed and tried not to slump my shoulders. I wasn't very good with people and the only options for employment seemed to be positions dealing with just that.

I was out for most of the day, searching high and low for employment and that evening as I made my way back to my apartment I noticed the bar I had passed that morning was open. I felt defeated and really didn't want to risk another rejection, but I went in anyway.

There was a man standing behind the bar, smoking a cigarette as he wiped the bar down. He noticed me immediately but didn't stop cleaning. "You here to see someone?" He asked with the cigarette hanging loosely between his lips.

"Um, actually, I was hoping that you might need some help around here." I slid my hands into my back pockets, out of nervous habit, and he noticed that almost immediately as well.

"Yeah? You looking for a job? How old are you?"

"Old enough." I smiled and nodded. He stopped cleaning and leaned on the bar.

"Why would a young lady, like yourself, want to work in a place like this?"

"It doesn't matter, it'll pay the bills."

"You'd have to stay in the back and help me stock and wash dishes, that sound appealing to you?"

"Actually, yeah. I'm not great with people, so ... a job in the back would be fine."

"What's your name?"

"My name is (Y/N)."

"I'm Izumo Kusanagi. It's nice to meet you, when do you want to start?"

"Whenever you want is fine."

"Show up at the back door tomorrow morning and I'll show you around. I'm gonna' warn you though, the guys that hang out here get kinda' loud and obnoxious."

"That's fine, I mean, I won't pay any attention." He nodded and I slipped out the front door, somewhat shocked that I actually got the position. I was anxious and when I finally got to my apartment I spent a little extra time in the shower to try and relax. Jobs were so difficult to find around the city that I just couldn't afford to blow it.

I held my breath for a moment before releasing a loud puff of air from my lips. I probably wouldn't get any sleep tonight.

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