Chapter Seven

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I slept all day and only woke up when Mikoto knocked on my bedroom door. It wasn't a normal sleep either, it was one of those deep sleeps where you wake up with your face bonded to a pillow with your own spit.

I managed to raise my head up and make a noise that sounded similar to, "Yeah?" However, I was fairly certain I didn't actually annunciate anything and I had just moaned at him.

"I've got food....are you naked?" As I was coming to, I noticed the pitch in his deep voice sounded rather hopeful. "No!" I pushed myself up off the mattress and pulled my bedroom door open, "I most certainly am not naked." I couldn't help but laugh sleepily as I informed him of the bad news. 

He was standing at my door wearing a different pair of clothes. Had I really been asleep so long that this man had time to go shopping??

He waved the takeout box just a few inches from my face. I knew that smell.

"Is that Chinese food?"

"It could be." 

I stepped out of my room in a loose fitting t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "Have you heard anything from Kusanagi?" I followed him down the hall and into the living room.

"He's been doing damage control today. I went out and spoke to a few contractors and cops. They said it would take two months to fix the bar."

"That's actually not too crazy.. I thought it would be longer."

He sat the food down on the table in front of me. The living room had already been picked up, and one couldn't even tell I had a man sleeping on my couch to begin with. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Five hours I think, wasn't bad." I nodded. I was pleased with that. He handed me a bottle of water and I smiled. "I promise tomorrow I will cook something so you don't have to keep getting takeout."  He smirked and took a drink of his water.

"You're going to cook for me?"

"Well when you say it like that- no I'm not." I rolled my eyes as I stuffed my face with Chinese takeout. He just smiled and we ate in silence. I cleaned off the table and took our trash to the kitchen while he turned the tv on and found a movie. I knew I would be up all night but that was the work schedule I was used to so there was really no harm in it. 

I flopped down on the couch and finally broke the silence. "I guess I'll have to find another job until the bar is repaired." He looked confused and shook his head. "Why?"

"Uh, rent? I mean I have enough put back to last a good bit but I need a source of income."

"Don't worry about it."

"Huh? I can't just not worry about paying the rent."

"It will take care of itself." He sat on the couch next to me and I stared at the side of his head for a moment. "Mikoto Suoh, you're not paying my rent."


It had been two weeks since Mikoto had started staying with me. It wasn't bad at all, as a matter of fact I barely even noticed his presence after the first week and occasionally we would have movie nights. Every evening I would wake up and go down to the bar just to see what I could do to help Kusanagi. I felt partially responsible for the situation and I didn't mind at all the pitch in to clean up.

On Friday evening I woke up alone in my apartment. I brushed my teeth and put some clothes on before going to meet Izumo. I knew he would be at the bar cleaning up debris while the construction workers were in the beginning stages of rebuilding the place. Sure enough, as I suspected, I found him in what was left of the kitchen cleaning up broken glass and pieces of tile off the floor.

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