Chapter 12.

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A/N: I’m sorry that this took a million year for me to update, but now it’s time to keep going ^^


“No, wait! Dumbass!” Niall yelled as he started to run alongside the bus.

“Dumbass! Dumbass, wait! No, stop!” He smashed his hand against the bus window, trying to get the driver’s attention, but it didn’t work. The bus just went right past him and he stopped, trying to catch his breath.

“I can’t stand it!” He said and felt tears being to prick his eyes. He had been standing at the fucking bus stop, why hasn’t the damn bus stopped for him?! “I can’t stand it!” He said again and tried to blink away his tears. He wasn’t going to crybecause he had missed his bus, he wasn’t.

“I can’t stand it…” he whispered and the tears dried up before they had a chance to fall. Okay, he had missed three buses and it was a cold, early afternoon in the beginning of April. He had tried to convince his brother to drive him to their father’s house, but he had been ‘busy’. Why couldn’t his parents still be married?! It would have made everything so much easier. For example; Niall wouldn’t have to take the fucking dumbass-bus to visit his dad.

“Fuck it” Niall mumbled to himself and decided to walk to his father’s home. It wasn’t really that far away, right?

He had been walking for almost 45 minutes when he came to a cemetery. It wasn’t one of those scary ones, this one was filled with early spring flowers and with the bright sunlight shining over the field with tombstones, it looked… cosy. Just almost, though!

Niall quickly looked around the dead street; no cars. So he jumped up on the churchyard wall, and the rock he was sitting on felt like it had been carved out to fit the shape of his arse.

He took a deep breath and felt the scent of dirt, moss and some daffodils. He felt the pale sunshine warming his chilly face. He heard the hooting of a cuckoo and high whistles from several tits (It’s a fucking bird, ok? lol). It felt like hours passed, but only for a second.

He felt connected with the world, he felt like he was the world.

Niall knew what was happening; he had just taken a moment to himself. He now understood why people were chasing such a thing; it was indescribably wonderful. So peaceful. He could finally breathe for once.

Of course, it’s called ‘moment to yourself’ for a reason, that being that it only lasted for a moment. He was brought back to reality by a buzzing in his pocket; his cellphone was vibrating with an arriving call from an unknown number.

“Hello?” Niall answered curiously.

“Hey, it’s Andy” Niall immediately recognised the voice of Liam’s (and his own) friend.

“Hey man, what’s up? How did you get my number?” Niall jumped down from the churchyard wall and continued his walk.

“I stole it from Liam’s phone. Listen, I gotta tell you something” Andy was talking fast and his voice was eager.

“What?” Niall pressed the phone closer to his ear.

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