Chapter 10: Dinner with 10

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A/N Okay so I am posting! Which means I got the 6 votes! Yay!!!!!!! So I will ask for 8 this chapter and see what happens! So you can probably guess what will happen in this chapter by reading the title! And I have plans for Rebecca and 10. And the name Rebecca I stole from a friend of mine, I love her name and I really wanted to use it in a story! So here it is!

p.s. The song to the right, is a song that a friend of mine told me reminded her of DW and she is right, it reminds me of it too! It is also the one they dance to in the chapter! Listen and love people!


     10’s POV

           “Doctor is she going to be okay?” Rose asked me sweetly and as I looked over the girl, I was relieved to find she had only fainted. “Yes Rose she’ll be just fine, don’t worry about her, weren’t you saying you were very tired? You should get some rest, she will be fine in a little while.” I said as Rose nodded her head and yawned again before shuffling up the stairs “Goodnight Doctor.” She said sleepily. “Goodnight Rose, sweet dreams.” I said as I picked up the girl and carried her to the med-bay. I laid her down on the table in the room and got a cold cloth to put on her forehead. After a few minutes she began to stir. “Rebecca? Rebecca are you okay?” I asked as her beautiful green eyes fluttered open.

Electra’s POV

      I woke up to the voice of the man with the awesome hair, the man who called himself The Doctor. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was him staring at me grinning. As I stared into his eyes, I knew he was the Doctor, just a different version, I must have walked into the wrong TARDIS. But I knew as he stared back at me that he didn’t know who I was, and he couldn’t know who I was, I was 99% sure that he was an earlier version. And if he were to meet me before he pulled me from space, it would cause a paradox. “I can’t believe I fainted.” I said as I started to sit up with him helping me. I knew he didn’t know who I was so I made a mental note to make sure I acted confused.

   “Never fainted before eh?” He asked with a beaming smile. “Uh nope!” I said as I hopped off of the table and teetered a little as I hit the gound. “You okay?” He asked “Yep just fine, where am I by the way?” “You are in my TARDIS he said with a grin “Come on let me show you!” He said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. “We have to be quiet though, Rose is asleep.” He whispered in my ear and put a finger to his lips. He dragged me through the TARDIS showing me all of the rooms he could remember, and then we finally ended up back in the console room, I had to admit I liked this version of it better than the current one.

    “So now I believe its time for you to tell me how you ended up running into my TARDIS.” “Uh yea about that, it’s a long story, are you hungry?” I asked and he grinned and nodded. “Okay well lets go get some food and I will tell you.” I said as we left the TARDIS and walked out into the brisk London night air. We walked to a quaint little restaurant in almost complete silence and when we took our seats all of those questions I knew he was holding in came pouring out. “So Rebecca ready to get on with your story?” He asked as he put the tips of his index fingers against his chin and leaned forward looking very curious and incredibly amusing. “Okay well I got into this huge fight with me ex earlier, and then I ran off and ended up in a poker game, and I was winning, which is why I can pay for dinner. And then all of these fellas accused me of counting cards.” “Were you counting cards?” He asked me with an amused look on his face. “Yes but that’s beside the point, if they aren’t smart enough to know how to play the game how is that my fault?” The Doctor just shrugged in agreement at this and I continued with my tale. “So I decided it was probably a good time to leave, so I grabbed my winnings and took off, but two of them came after me and I saw the box and it was the only place I could hide and I rushed in and that’s when I found you.”

     I finished quickly and watched his face for a response. “That is a very interesting story.” He said as our food arrived and we started to eat. “Yes it is, so now it’s your turn. Who are you? You are obviously an alien, but from where, and why do you travel with humans? I am assuming Rose is a human.” “Well you see I am a Time Lord.” “I take it the name implies what you do?” “Oh yes most definitely! You see I am the last of my kind, an old soul, my planet was destroyed, killing everything and everyone I loved. I travel with earth companions because they are good company. Simple really.” He said as the tears started to come into my eyes at the mention of everything we had lost, but I couldn’t say anything. “I am so sorry Doctor.” I said as I put my hand over his.

   We finished our meal in silence and afterwards we trecked back into the cool London air and began our walk back to the TARDIS. “So are you married, got a girlfriend? Anything like that?” I asked as the Doctor and me walked. “No not really.” The Doctor said as we stopped to look over the river. “Not even Rose?” I asked, “Nah! I don’t have anyone I can really love, I have my reasons. What about you?” “Nope, just little ole me.” I said as music started to play from one of the nearby cafes. It was ‘Are You The One?’  by Within Temptation. “I love this song.” I said quietly as the Doctor grabbed my hand and led me out to the middle of the cobblestone square. “What are you doing?” I asked “Well you said you loved this song so I figured I would dance with you.” He said as he pulled me in close to him and put his hand on my waist.

10’s POV

      I was dancing with her under the moonlight in the middle of London, and everything felt fine, just right all of it. I knew she was human and would continue to age, but a part of me didn’t care at that moment. Okay who was I kidding, I didn’t care at all! She reminded me of Electra in some ways, but in others she was kinder and gentler than Electra, it was rather nice not to get hit every five minutes for saying something she thought was dumb. But Rebecca, she seemed to be all of the great things Electra was, just more quiet and thoughtful. I pulled back to look her in the eyes while we were dancing, and as she smiled back at me with her beautiful green eyes, I couldn’t help but want to kiss her. I leaned in slowly and before I knew what was happening my lips were touching hers and she was kissing me back.

Electra’s POV

      I felt his lips on mine, and all of my instincts from being married to him for a century kicked back in. I moved my lips slowly with his, getting a feel for the difference, he may still kiss the same, but his mouth was certainly different. The kissed deepened and as we stood dancing and kissing under the stars, everything seemed perfect, until reality came rushing back into my mind.

 A/N Two updates in one day!? Oh boy, tough work! So I am asking for 8 votes in the hopes I will have a little more time to write! But remember VOTE AND COMMENT!  You all have no idea how much comments make my day! And in my last chapter I gave you all a challenge! And the first person to figure it out was @doctorshelby14 so this chapter is dedicated to her as promised! Thank you all for reading! Next chapter when I have 8 votes!


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