Scars from the past...

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TW: the content in this chapter may be sensitive to some viewers. I'll put a trigger warning '⚠️' before such part. So, please skip it... If you don't like this all please just skip it...

Thank you, enjoy your reading

The next day was Saturday. So, the blonde was still sleeping. Sasuke didn't had to go too. He woke up first as always. Sasuke looked at Narumi's ankle to see swelling. He observed her ankle carefully to see a wound too. He immediately took out some antiseptic cream and put it on the wound. He wrapped some bandage. Sasuke called Itachi as he had some information in the medical area with his wife, Izumi being a doctor. Izumi told him to make sure that the blonde doesn't moves for 2 to 3 days. Sasuke agreed.

He quickly made pancake batter. He went in the bathroom to take a quick cold shower. After some minutes he came and changed into some sweat pants and a loose black t-shirt. He made the pancakes and used some blueberries as dressing, also not forgetting to put some whipped cream on the top. He served it with a glass of orange juice. He put the tray of food on a table and crawled on the bed the blonde was sleeping on. He gently shaked her and said with a smile, "Narumi... It's morning. Wake up, love...". The blonde soon woke up while rubbing her eyes. She yawned and stretched her arms. A sudden pain hit her ankle and she hissed.

"Be careful the next time you walk on stairs. I'm afraid it'll be worse next time... And don't move for 3 days. My sister-in-law is a doctor by profession, she said that"

"As you say..."


"A little, maybe?"

Sasuke smiled and placed the tray on her lap.
The blonde looked down at the tray, and took her fork and knife. The pancake was just perfect but something was missing, according to the blonde. "Sasuke, give me honey" said Narumi as she looked at her boyfriend. the raven nodded and came back with a honey bottle. He gave it to the blonde. She drizzled some honey on her golden pancakes. She took a bite and in an instant, she had stars in her eyes as she chewed her breakfast.

"Oishi~ this is heaven" said the blonde while munching on her pancakes. The raven smiled at his girlfriend's antics. She was one of a kind, it was impossible to find anyone like her. Sasuke was really fortunate to have her all to himself. Even if she wasn't his... He would've made her his... He got what he wanted... And Narumi was a necessity, he needed her to live...

"Glad you liked it. Anything else I can do for my princess?"

"Hmm... Let me see... How about going out on a date"

"Sorry, princess but it can't happen now, with you in such a condition..."

The blonde puffed her cheeks.

"Hey... Didn't I told you, you won't be getting out of your bed for a few days?"

"You did..."

"So? You want the swelling to get worse?"


Sasuke sighed. He put the tray in the washing basin and came back to blonde. He sat beside her as he took her small hand in his big ones.
He kissed both of them as he looked at her.
"Hey... What's the problem?"

"I'll get bored..."

"You are worried about this?"

"Yeah... And the pain only makes it worse"

"We still have things we can do together, you know"

"Like what?"

"Like... Watch movies together while cuddling, or read a book together... Or We can just stay here on the bed and talk about eachother's past... I don't know that much about your past. It's been a year since I know you... And I think I deserve to know it... Don't I, love?"

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