Chapter 9

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                                                                                    Poppy's POV

Sutton knows.

She knows. She doesn't know all the dirty details but she knows. She knows about the Dark World. She knows she's a Hybrid on the other side. She also knows about Anakin and me.

What the fuck? How did we get here? If I would've just been honest from the start, this wouldn't have happened. Sutton wouldn't have set a Hospital computer on fire. Anakin wouldn't hate my guts. I couldn't believe I had scared myself into lying to the people who are most important to me, in both worlds. I got us here.

So here we sit, in the living room of our Apartment. Anakin stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall with his head down and eyes on his feet. Sutton was in the shower, undoubtedly washing away any remainders of the day we had just had. I sat on the couch, trying to pull my head together. I didn't worry about a shower, but I did change out of my wet clothes. I felt bad for Anakin, knowing he had to be freezing in his still-soaking-wet clothes. I didn't dare try and speak first, waiting for an explosion from Anakin at any moment.

The front door opened, and Bev trucked in. She looked up, saw Anakin, and immediately perked herself up. I laughed to myself, still finding it hilarious the way women changed around Anakin. Bev finally saw me sitting on the couch, her perkiness went away just as quickly as it came.

"Poppy, you're up late. Where's Sutton?" Bev asked, looking around, laying her purse on the armchair.

"Shower," Anakin said coldly.

"Without you? Damn" Bev raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up, Bev." I huffed out.

I swear I watched her head go 360. Her eyes blazed with anger as she walked over to the couch.

"Excuse me? Take a joke, Saber." She snarled her nose at me.

Sutton opened the bathroom door, towel in her hand. Anakin stood up straight, no longer leaning on the wall, his eyes not leaving her. Her legs were bare as she was sporting a pair of grey yoga shorts and a black T-shirt. She looked at Bev and me, apparently feeling the tension that rested between us.

"What'd I miss?" Sutton asked me.

"Your new Bestie not having a filter." Bev snipped at Sutton.

"Leave her alone, Bev. She's just as tired of your sarcasm as I am." Sutton huffed."Can we talk about the other thing, tomorrow guys? I swear I'm not pissed, I just really need a nap."

"Sure, Yeah. Sutton?" I asked.


"I'm sorry about all this."

Sutton gave me a warm smile, sighing.

"I understand exactly where you were coming from"

I felt a weight come off my chest.

"Let's just make a promise that next time you'll fill me in on something that big, okay?" Sutton asked.

"Of course." I nodded quickly.

"I take it Poppy finally admitted she thinks Anakin's a Big Hunk of Sex?" Bev tried to joke/

Sutton rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh. Bev stood, waiting for Sutton to banter back with her but Sutton just walked away and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Anakin glanced at me and shrugged. He made his way over to Sutton's bedroom door, and lightly knocked on it. He turned the knob, walked into her room slowly, and closed the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2022 ⏰

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