Chapter 7

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 Evanora's POV

How do I break this to her? There's no way I can confess this shit to her, her not hate my guts. If she ever figures out Anakin knew anything about this she'd end up hating him too. I've really messed up this time... She's gonna understand though. She'll be happy when she knows that we're sisters. I was, so maybe she'll be. Maybe not. UGH!

I look over at Astra as we ride in the carriage to the Village. She's about to meet Fabian, he's going to be angry when he realizes she has no clue who he actually is. Astra has fallen asleep, her head resting against the window. I sigh, knowing she has no idea what she's in for. I know I'm in for a world of trouble when I go back to the human world.

She really doesn't need to know though, right? NO. She deserves to know, but I also know that her knowing puts her in danger, especially with our powers showing up in the human world.

The carriage came to a halt, I smiled as I gazed out the window at the small Cottage home that used to be mine. Astra looked up, stirred awake by the jolt the carriage gave. She smiled sweetly at the small home, and looked over at me.

"This is what a home looks like?" She asked sweetly.

"For the ones who aren't a Princess, yes" I joked, Astra, rolling her eyes.

"The Castle isn't exactly home, even for a Princess. It'll always be a place of fear for me" She looked down at the floor of the carriage.

"Well, maybe my home could be your home too. There's always room for one more" I encourage her, happiness glowing from her.

I opened the carriage door, seeing Fabian already waiting for us at the door. I leaped from the carriage, bounding across the street, into the gate to Fabian's waiting arms. He hugged me tightly, somehow his hugs in the human world felt incredibly different here. He was more loving in the Night World, knowing the life he had in reality I can't say I blame him.

"Evanora?" I heard Astra ask from behind me.

I turned around and looked over at Fabian. His eyes were locked onto Astra, already knowing she was Sutton. I felt my stomach flip as I watched Astra look at him in Confusion.

"I know you," Astra said, wonder in her voice.

Fuck me.

Astra walked up the stairs of the cottage, to Fabian and I. Fabian's eyes softened as she got closer, I felt my heart thump in my chest as if it was going to burst. Astra finally stood in front of Fabian, examining his face carefully.

"Seamus?" She let out a whisper.

I could've thrown up at that moment. She didn't t know it was Anakin... but she apparently knew Seamus.

"His brother, actually. This is Fabian, Astra" I explained.

Fabian gazed into her eyes, a flicker of sadness waved over them but he gained his composure quickly enough to bow to Astra.

"Your Grace" He addressed her, giving a slow bow.

"Please, just Astra. Evanora has told me great things about you. So did Seamus" Astra smiled sadly, her eyes falling to her feet.

"I didn't even know you knew him" I whispered almost, shocked.

"He was a dear friend. Seamus was the best Knight in my Father's army. He was chosen to protect me when we thought Lycan's would invade. He was a brother to me, even though I didn't know what having one was like... I knew it felt like what I felt around Seamus" She looked at Fabian, watching his face contour from pain to what looked like a proudness.

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