Chapter 3

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                                                                                       Poppy's pov

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bright sunlight seeping through the curtains in Anakin's house. I rolled over, slamming into the cold hardwood living room floor. I groaned, yanking the blanket over my head, laying flat on my back to straighten it out after sleeping on his awful couch. For a guy with a full bank account you'd think he'd be able to afford a decent couch, but I'm convinced he thinks I'd take up a permanent residence in his living room if he did. I finally flung the blanket off me, sat up. The sunlight bounced off his red walls, making me squint harder. I sighed, glancing over at his bedroom door, seeing it was open so he was probably awake.

I patted barefoot across his living room floor, glanced into his bedroom where his lights were out and his bed had already been made. Today was Wednesday so he had the day off. I glanced at the kitchen, noticed the back door was slightly ajar. I spotted Ani standing on the deck, watching his 2 Bullies run the yard. I smiled, walked across the stone floor of his kitchen/ dining area and opened the backdoor. Anakin looked over his shoulder at me, smiled.

"Morning" I greeted.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, offering me a sip of coffee.

I gladly took the cup in my hand, letting the warm liquid wake me up."That bitch" I muttered in between sips.

"The Jesus freak?"

"No. Sutton" I rolled my eyes.

"Bookstore girl? She seems pretty cool" He shrugged.

"Yeah, until she opens her mouth and starts talking shit" I spat.

"Yikes. Calm down Ice Queen" Ani joked.

I leaned on the deck banister, inhaled the fresh air. I watched his 2 dogs chase each other happily, trying to find the words to explain my feelings. Do I tell him who she is? Has he already figured it out? Do I keep it from him? Of all people Anakin knows I'm not one to play with, Especially about my privacy. She doesn't get it, She probably never will.

"She was pushing" I managed.

"Family stuff?"


"She's just trying to get to know you. You've got that wall up 24/7. I moved here over you, you still have a hard time opening up to me. We grew up together in the Night Realm and you still think I'm gonna go poof" He took his coffee cup back.

"There's a certain way you get to know someone though. You don't just poke until you get what you want. I'm a Bear, if you poke me I'll attack" I argued.

"You've got a point. You have to remember though, Sutton's probably more open about her life than you are. She doesn't really have a filter so maybe she doesn't really consider that some people don't wanna talk about things" He shrugged.

"So much for spoiled rich bitches?" I teased, remembering Anakin discussing how cool Sutton seemed.

"Don't judge a book by its cover, Poppy" He took a drink, his eyes wide.

Fuck. Did he really just hit me with my own line?

"You pick now to finally listen to me" I laughed.

"I can't be Daphne all the time" He grinned.

"Does that make me Velma?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah. You're most definitely Scooby"


Walking up the stairs to my apartment I felt nothing but dread. I wasn't ready to go and face this girl, that's if she was even home. Hopefully, I can ignore all of it and read for a while but that's the least likely option I'll be faced with. I struggled with what exactly to say to her when I saw her. Do I blow up? Do I apologize to her? Do I move out? Who the hell knows? All I know is I refuse to be an outcast in my own home. I walked up to the front door, my chest puffed up proudly, and turned the knob. The door wasn't locked, I could hear her talking to someone already. I walked in, and saw no one except Sutton standing in the living room. She's talking to herself? Good lord, this might be more than I bargained for. Sutton's head snapped around when she heard me shut the door. She looked like a deer in headlights, just waiting for the car to hit.

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