Chapter 8

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                                                                                      Poppy's POV

Sitting in an ER waiting room wasn't exactly how I wanted to spend my morning. Sutton had been back in a room for about an hour now. 2nd-degree burns and stitches in her arm from how hot the Coffee was when the pot exploded. I couldn't get the look in her eyes out of my mind. Sutton looked like she was going to kill me with her bare hands. I've never seen her that Angry. Was she really that mad at me? Or... Was her Magic coming through too? Anakin's gonna flip. Fuck. How do I even start this conversation with him? Hey old Pal, Sutton's magic from the Dark World is starting to poke through into the Human World so we should probably tell her what's going on tonight. Yeah, real cute, Poppy.

I looked up, and Anakin was walking through the ER doors. His face contorted with worry and slight aggravation. I stood up and as soon as he spotted me he swiftly made his way over, almost knocking a Nurse over in the Process. He got to me and looked me over to make sure I didn't get hurt as well.

"What the Fuck, Poppy? Are you all okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Sutton needed some stitches, she's got a 2nd-degree burn but it's not as bad as it could've been" I assured him.

Anakin put a hand on my shoulder and guided me further from where we stood, where no one could even try to hear us.

"Is this her magic?" He asked in a whisper, his eyes growing wider.

"Astra does have a flair for Fire" I sighed, remembering the incident with the Fireplace when I first arrived at the castle.

"Who's Vivi?" He asked, referring to the Body we found last night.

"One of Astra's servants or something. She's the one who was hurt the day Astra's magic went awol in her bedroom. I didn't even realize it but I hadn't seen her since then. I wonder if Casseus sent her away or tried to... you know" I shrugged.

"You think Casseus strung her up like that?" He shoved his hands into his jacket pocket.

"We've been finding bodies for years in that field. We've been thinking It's been the Lycans all this time but them getting their hands on a Castle resident just doesn't make Sense. Vivi didn't even live near the Edge of the woods, shit, even near town. How would they have gotten their hands on her if Casseus didn't hand deliver her to them?"

Before Anakin could even answer me, Sutton walked out of the double doors leading to the ER rooms. She looked around, and her eyes found me but they also very quickly realized that Anakin was right beside me. She stood frozen as we made our way to her.

I got directly in front of her but she almost looked straight through me. His eyes were solely trained on Anakin.

"You alright?" He asked Sutton, a flare setting through her body.

"Thanks for texting me back. Obviously, you were ignoring just me because Poppy calls and you run at the speed of light" She spat.

"Sutton-" I began.

"I've got a lot on my plate at the moment, Sutton" He stated, his eyes meeting his feet.

"Right, so you don't need me complicating things. Don't worry, I know where I'm not wanted. Poppy, can you take me home?" She asked, her eyes finally hitting me.

Before I could even speak Anakin piped in.

"Don't do that, Sutton. You know I wanted this."

"Keyword. Wanted." She began to seethe.

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